
We Offer Flexible and Affordable Home Tutoring Programs

Our institution is committed to making tutoring more affordable and accessible to every student

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    Premier Tutoring
    On Your Schedule

    SchoolTutoring Academy is the premier educational services company for K-12 and college students. We offer tutoring programs for students in K-12, AP classes, and college. Our highly qualified tutors deliver one-on-one personalized instruction across all subject areas, including math, science, English, and social studies.

    We offer a variety of flexible and affordable home tutoring plans to choose from. We also offer programs for After-School Homework Help and Supplemental Educational Services (SES) to school districts, libraries and non-profit organizations.

    Contact our Academic Directors Today at 1-877-545-7737 to Discuss your Child’s Strengths and Areas for Improvement.

    Our Values

    SchoolTutoring Academy is committed to making high quality educational training more affordable and accessible to every student. We believe that new technologies can be harnessed to deliver innovative, effective and efficient solutions to the changing educational needs of the communities we serve. Our partnerships with families, schools, libraries, non-profits and corporations help realize our vision of making it possible for all students to recognize their academic potential and achieve success.

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    People With Heart!

    Testimonials and Case Studies from Our Parents

    SchoolTutoring Academy regularly receives letters and emails from parents about their experience with our programs. Have a great story or anecdote about your experience with any of SchoolTutoring Academy’s programs? We want to hear about it!


    One-on-one Academic Assessment

      Meet Our Tutors

      Each of them is highly-qualified K-12 and university educators

      We have certified math, science, and English tutors across North America