Tutoring Programs
Tutoring in Mitchell
We employ highly-educated tutors trained to identify which strategies to use in order to help your child master a new language
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For Students Seeking Tutoring in Mitchell, We Offer:
Our Directors work with each student to develop a personalized learning plan for their individual academic needs.
Our Programs
Private Tutoring in Mitchell For Your Child
SchoolTutoring Academy’s tutoring programs for Mitchell students start with a ACADEMIC ASSESSMENT with an Academic Director. Call us now for a personalized quote! Our services include regular one-on-one tutoring, academic mentorship, bi-weekly progress reports, learning profiles and parental conference calls.
Mitchell District Curriculum Used in Our In-Home Tutoring Programs
The Mitchell School District invests in the students’ growth, as one goal this district has is to appreciate each individual student. This student-centered school system is full of diversity, and the instructors believe that each student can learn and flourish, thus becoming successful, contributing members of society. One way this is accomplished is through a strong curriculum which establishes clear standards in terms of skills or knowledge that students need to learn in each subject area.
We currently cover the following Mitchell-area school district: Mitchell School District 17-2.
Contact our Academic Directors at 1-877-545-7737 to Discuss your Child’s Strengths and Areas for Improvement. Get started with Mitchell Tutor Today.
A Parent Talks About Finding a Private, In-Home Tutor
Mitchell Tutors Can Help Your Student Succeed
SchoolTutoring Academy works with young learners and students, all the way up through high school. We offer Pre-K and Kindergarten Tutoring as well as Elementary School Tutoring to build a strong learning foundation early on. We also offer comprehensive tutoring across all school subjects.
Our instructors hail from Harvard, Stanford, Duke and other top institutions
Our tutoring in Mitchell capabilities are different from what you find in your neighborhood
Educating Our Parents: Understanding the Mitchell District Curriculum
In the teaching of the core curriculum of Mathematics, Reading, Social Studies, and Science, Mitchell School District uses a variety of programs and resources in grades K-12. In Math, differentiated instruction is used within the classroom, and gifted instruction is utilized to challenge students that exceed the standards. In Reading, resources such as reading specialists, gifted resource teachers, special education teachers, and classroom instructors all assist the students in meeting and exceeding the benchmarks required. Technology curriculum for all is also incorporated into the teaching of reading, math, and other subjects.
Through these subjects, once students have mastered the fundamentals, they are able to develop the higher-order problem-solving and analytic thinking skills that are a goal of the curriculum. Each subject relies on strands of learning - such as algebra in Math or biology in Science - that students master each year and then use to develop new knowledge. It is through combining past knowledge with new inquiry in the topic that students are able to achieve the higher-order curricular goals.
Work with our Mitchell tutors to help your student succeed! Contact our Academic Directors Today at 1-877-545-7737.
Keeping Informed: Recent Mitchell Educational News
- Mitchell Career Training - The Career and Technical Education Academy has been developed by the school district. It gives the students a wonderful, full educational experience for the introductory level students to the most advanced. This academy provides a discovery learning atmosphere with direct collaboration among peers to prepare the students for the workforce.
- Easy Meal Pay - Parents can now pay for the student lunches online in an easy way. Easy Meal Pay accepts a variety of payment types and simply replaces the chore of having to send a check or cash into the school each week or month. Parents can get online, log-in, and post payment directly to the school cafeteria electronically. This is just another way to simplify the lives of parents and guardians!
- Special Education Services - Special Education Services are provided by Mitchell School District for all students in need of this program. Through recommendation and testing, students become identified if they qualify, and from that point they are given an educational plan. Mitchell Schools takes pride in their Special Education Services and all parents and guardians may contact the school system if they have questions about what is offered.
Chalk Talk: What Is an IEP?
An IEP is an Individual Education Plan for students with special needs. Any student who qualifies for special education will receive an IEP, which is a legal document, which must be followed by the teachers and administrators. The parents and the Special Education Team have a meeting and look at all of the testing documents, and determine the needs of the child. Then they come together and write an IEP for the child. The IEP can contain goals, such as: ways to help a student stay on task, testing accommodations (such as the use of a calculator or read aloud), sensory breaks during the day, and many others, all depending on the individual student and the disability.