Tutoring Programs

Tutoring in Moses Lake

We employ highly-educated tutors trained to identify which strategies to use in order to help your child master a new language

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    For Students Seeking Tutoring in Moses Lake, We Offer:

    Our Directors work with each student to develop a personalized learning plan for their individual academic needs.

    One-on-One Learning

    Personalized instruction from the comfort of your home

    Available 7 Days a Week

    Recurring or as-needed sessions to fit your busy schedule

    Personalized instruction

    In the comfort of your home

    Tutors that are highly-qualified

    K-12 and university educators

    Our Programs

    Private Tutoring in Moses Lake For Your Child

    SchoolTutoring Academy’s tutoring programs for Moses Lake students start with a ACADEMIC ASSESSMENT with an Academic Director. Call us now for a personalized quote! Our services include regular one-on-one tutoring, academic mentorship, bi-weekly progress reports, learning profiles and parental conference calls.

    Moses Lake District Curriculum Used in Our In-Home Tutoring Programs

    All of Moses Lake curriculum is based around the Washington State Standards. The district provides grade level expectation references for parents so they can be more informed on what their child is learning and where they should be in each grade level and each core subject.

    Teachers in the district take a focused approach on teaching vocabulary, which in turn increases reading comprehension and fluency. Teachers use Marzano’s six strategies in teaching vocabulary to students of all grade levels, which has been shown as an effective way to teach vocabulary by giving students a range of strategies to decode meaning.

    Elementary curriculum in English, Math and Science is taught as building blocks at each grade level. Students begin the year reviewing the material from the year before and building on it. The final outcomes of this approach are algebra readiness, reading comprehension, reading fluency, scientifically literacy, and writing to convey a thought or message.

    We currently cover the following Moses Lake-area school districts: Moses Lake School District.

    Contact our Academic Directors at 1-877-545-7737 to Discuss your Child’s Strengths and Areas for Improvement. Get started with Moses Lake Tutor Today.

    A Parent Talks About Finding a Private, In-Home Tutor

    Moses Lake Tutors Can Help Your Student Succeed

    SchoolTutoring Academy works with young learners and students, all the way up through high school. We offer Pre-K and Kindergarten Tutoring as well as Elementary School Tutoring to build a strong learning foundation early on. We also offer comprehensive tutoring across all school subjects.

    Our instructors hail from Harvard, Stanford, Duke and other top institutions

    Our tutoring in Moses Lake capabilities are different from what you find in your neighborhood

    Staff Tutors with Outstanding Credentials

    Our educators have graduated from top academic institutions, and many of them have achieved in the 90th percentile or higher on standardized tests. Equally importantly, they enjoy coaching students across a variety of subject areas and standardized tests

    Educators Beyond What You Find Down the Block

    Students work collaboratively with their private tutor who is a top-notch college graduate well beyond the academic caliber that you’ll typically find in your neighbourhood

    Experienced Academic Directors to Create and Adjust Learning Plans

    Every student is paired up with both a private tutor and an Academic Director responsible for creating a comprehensive learning plan and constantly tweeking it to optimize for results

    Fully Customized Programs with Regular Progress Reports

    With regular progress reports and archived copies of your lessons, you can easily track your progress and review concepts from past lessons

    Educating Our Parents: Understanding the Moses Lake District Curriculum

    In order to receive a diploma from the district, students must take four years of English, three years of Math and two years of Science. After completing freshman and sophomore English Composition, students take American Literature and an elective to complete their requirements for graduation.

    Students must take Algebra 1 and 2 as well as Geometry to graduate. Some students are able to take Algebra 1 and Geometry in middle school, which allows them to take upper division math classes in high school. The only required Science course is Biology, and the other required year can be fulfilled by taking Physics, Chemistry or Environmental Science.

    Work with our Moses Lake tutors to help your student succeed! Contact our Academic Directors Today at 1-877-545-7737.

    Keeping Informed: Recent Moses Lake Educational News

    • School Facilities - Student enrollment in the secondary schools is growing, and this is a good thing. The downside to growth, however, is the facilities do not always grow in accordance with the needs. When the bond measure to construct additional facilities was not passed by voters, the district decided to look for alternative ways of dealing with overcrowding. To do this, they opened up a series of forums to the community and asked for their ideas and input. This process created a sense of unity among families, community and district and provided ideas for the administration to to reduce overcrowding in the secondary schools.
    • Student Helpline - Bullying is at the forefront of media, and many peoples minds right now, but many districts are looking for the big fix to the big problem while possibly overlooking simple solutions to big problems. Moses Lake schools have set up an anonymous hotline for students to use when they see a potentially dangerous problem emerging. A simple hotline may save many lives because students are more likely to report incidents when it is anonymous.
    • High School Athletics - The Moses Lake District has a comprehensive athletics department that allows students the chance for extracurricular experiences which teach teamwork, goal-setting, and athletic abilities. Students are able to be a part of an activity in support of the school community alongside many of their peers, enabling bonds that last a lifetime. The district offers both individual and team options in a wide range of competitive sports.

    Chalk Talk: Please Visit Our Blog!

    Our teachers enjoy keeping parents up-to-date on the latest educational and instructional technology news. For new articles from our Academic Directors, please visit our blog.


    One-on-one Academic Assessment