Tutoring Programs
Private, In-Home Tutoring in Inkster, Michigan
Certified Educators
Personalized Learning
1-on-1 Instruction
Flexible Scheduling
Bi-weekly Progress Reports
Inkster, Michigan Tutoring Programs
Get started with SchoolTutoring Academy's tutoring programs for Inkster, Michigan students.
Inkster District and Curriculum
Inkster, Michigan is served by four school districts that include Westwood Community School District, Wayne-Westland Community Schools, Romulus Community Schools, and Taylor School District. The Wayne-Westland Community School District is the largest of the four with thirteen elementary schools, two middle schools, two high schools, and a career/tech building. Over 12,000 students each year are taught a rigorous curriculum by highly-qualified teachers who are all certified in their teaching areas.
We currently cover the following Inkster-area school districts: Romulus Community Schools, Taylor School District, Wayne-Westland Community Schools, and Westwood Community School District.
Educating Our Parents: Understanding the Inkster District Curriculum
The elementary curriculum is divided into the four core subjects that include Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. Instruction in Language Arts emphasizes the basic reading and writing skills that are necessary to be a successful student. The ability to read text and comprehend what has been read is the ultimate goal in these grade levels. Teachers instruct students on how to use a variety of reading strategies and skills to reach mastery of these standards.
As students move onto more complex text in middle school and high school, the strategies they will use will become more complex as well. The three main reading strategies used in these grades are inferring, determining importance, and summarizing. The inferring strategy is used when students must determine a detail about the text based on the information or clues given. For example, a student might infer that the character is from England because of his use of British slang and differences in word spelling.
Our Inkster, Michigan tutoring programs are personalized just for you
Our instructors hail from Harvard, Stanford, Duke and other top institutions
Keeping Informed: Recent Inkster Educational News
- Student Wins 6th Nationwide - A high school student recently placed 6th in the National Skills USA competition. The contest involved a written test and building test for participants. Students were also able to attend seminars and tour a local construction site.
- Teacher Wins Governor's Award - A John Glenn High School teacher was honored with the Governor’s Award. The award was developed to honor citizens that work to preserve and promote Michigan’s history. The teacher is known for her innovative lessons involving war veterans.
- New District Superintendent - The Wayne-Westland Community Schools district recently voted in a new Superintendent for the school system. Dr. Michele Harmala comes to the district having worked for several other school systems in administrative positions.
Inkster Tutors Can Help Your Student Succeed
SchoolTutoring Academy works with young learners and students, all the way up through high school. We offer Pre-K and Kindergarten Tutoring as well as Elementary School Tutoring to build a strong learning foundation early on. We also offer comprehensive tutoring across all school subjects.
Chalk Talk: How to Choose an Elective
Students today are offered a wide variety of electives to choose from in both middle school and high school. But, how does one know which of those choices is the best for them? There are several factors that go into choosing the right elective including career interests, time management skills, and past experiences. One of the first things a student should consider is their future career plans and interests. Choosing an elective that has to do with these interests can greatly benefit a student in the long run by giving them valuable hands-on experiences. Another aspect to consider is a student’s time management skills. Some electives are more complex and involve rigorous independent work. If a student already has a job or many extracurricular activities, a very time consuming elective may not be the best choice. One last determining factor is a student’s past experiences with the elective’s topic. Students who have had difficulty with the type of work or subject matter taught in the elective may want to choose a more enjoyable option. Taking the time to choose electives wisely can lead to a successful and fun school year.