Tutoring Programs
Private, In-Home Tutoring in Canton, Massachusetts
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Canton, Massachusetts Tutoring Programs
Get started with SchoolTutoring Academy's tutoring programs for Canton, Massachusetts students.
Canton District and Curriculum
Canton Public Schools contain five schools and 3,125 students. The district’s mission is to develop each student academically and socially. The vision is that students are critical thinkers, curious and confident learners, and compassionate citizens—centered on the core values of academic excellence, an inclusive learning community, respectful relationships, and reflection and improvement. Canton’s goals are to provide a culture that cultivates proficiency for all, to make instructional and curricular decisions based on student data.
We currently cover the following Canton-area school district: Canton Public Schools.
Educating Our Parents: Understanding the Canton District Curriculum
Canton Public Schools have implemented the Common Core State Standards for math and literacy. The curricula for all of the other content areas are based off of the 2011 Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks; however, Common Core calls for specific literacy requirements to be infused into other subjects. Additionally, the Science and Technology curriculum is being reviewed, and, with the transition to the new standards, the district is examining new ways to ensure that instruction aligns both horizontally—in all classes of a grade level—and vertically—from year to year.
Each academic department in every school in the district has its own mission statement. Students use the Journeys English language arts program, which focuses on all of the following areas of literacy: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, and writing. Canton provides learning expectations for each grade and content area.
Our Canton, Massachusetts tutoring programs are personalized just for you
Our instructors hail from Harvard, Stanford, Duke and other top institutions
Keeping Informed: Recent Canton Educational News
- Hansen Students Have Heart - Each year, Hansen Elementary School’s Student Council organizes its “Hansen Has a Heart” fundraiser to raise money for pediatric patients at Norwood Hospital. In 2014, the students sold paper hearts for $1 apiece, raising over $500, which they donated, along with 75 toys, books, and games.
- Canton Schools Collect Coats for Kids - The Canton Schools participated in the 19th annual “Coats for Kids” drive, collecting warm winter coats for babies, children, and adults in need. The coats were brought to Anton’s Cleaners locations, where they were cleaned and distributed to those who needed a way to stay warm during the harsh Massachusetts winter.
- Dunkin’ Brands Awards Scholarships to Two CHS Grads - Dunkin’ Brands, which owns the famous franchises Dunkin’ Donuts and Baskin-Robbins, handed out $2,500 scholarships to two recent Canton High School graduates. The students, who will be attending college this fall, were awarded on the basis of their academic achievements, school involvement, and resilience in the wake of personal adversity. Dunkin’ Brands has been headquartered in Canton, MA for the past 10 years.
Canton Tutors Can Help Your Student Succeed
SchoolTutoring Academy works with young learners and students, all the way up through high school. We offer Pre-K and Kindergarten Tutoring as well as Elementary School Tutoring to build a strong learning foundation early on. We also offer comprehensive tutoring across all school subjects.
Chalk Talk: Student Teachers
Student teachers model pre-professional learning, and so, should get to know teachers around the school, the school principal, other staff such as secretaries and custodians, and students’ families. The students’ parents may volunteer at the school during field trips, holiday parties, or other school functions, and even though they can be intimidating, student teachers should converse with them. Before starting student teaching, it is a good idea to prepare a letter to be sent home to the students’ parents that introduces oneself and explains the student teaching role that he/she will have in their child’s classroom. Student teaching is essentially like a full-time job (without the paycheck, of course), so it is critical to always be professional, being punctual and dressing appropriately. Student teachers are viewed as staff members, so it is mandatory to attend and actively participate in faculty meetings and in-service sessions. Student teachers should also make an effort to become involved in extracurricular activities in the school.