Tutoring Programs
Private, In-Home Tutoring in Crestwood, Missouri
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Crestwood, Missouri Tutoring Programs
Get started with SchoolTutoring Academy's tutoring programs for Crestwood, Missouri students.
Crestwood District and Curriculum
The Lindbergh Schools strives to develop competent and caring graduates through exceptional programs, services and personnel. They provide a comprehensive academic environment with a rigorous curriculum and focus on promoting and modeling a positive and productive environment. Teachers are tasked to deliver appropriate and innovative instruction to ensure that students meet or exceed curricular standards. The curriculum follows the Missouri Learning Standards, which provide clear expectations for students.
We currently cover the following Crestwood-area school district: Lindbergh Schools.
Educating Our Parents: Understanding the Crestwood District Curriculum
Elementary curriculum requirements focus on general academics appropriate for each grade level, such as science, social studies, mathematics, arts, music, physical education, and integrated literacy. Teachers also work collaboratively to develop and implement differentiated instructional approaches and assessments in order to assist all students in mastering the curriculum.
The primary goals of the school are student achievement in all fields, including reading and writing. In humanities classes, students read complex texts, including fiction and nonfiction. Comprehension is key, but students also read for intent and to evaluate various techniques. Students form opinions about their reading, and they gather evidence from the text to support opinions. Vocabulary acquisition and grammar rules are also emphasized, and students synthesize these skills as well as their gathered evidence to write thoughtful, intelligent papers that explore their reactions to their reading with evidence to support their opinions.
Our Crestwood, Missouri tutoring programs are personalized just for you
Our instructors hail from Harvard, Stanford, Duke and other top institutions
Keeping Informed: Recent Crestwood Educational News
- Library Research - Lindbergh High School’s Library has many resources for students, most importantly the tools to conduct academic research and use scholarly resources. In all subject areas, students will be expected to work on projects that will require them to search out information, and learning the difference between internet and library research is a critical skill the librarians are able to assist with.
- LHS Extracurricular Activities - Lindbergh High School offers many clubs for students, from arts to academic clubs. Students are strongly encouraged to take up a couple activities in areas of personal interest so that they can develop collaborative and leadership skills with meaningful opportunities
- Guidance Department Resources - Lindbergh High School’s Guidance Department exists to help students with their future plans. They are an excellent resource for all aspects of college planning, and also career planning and locating opportunities in the community. Students should speak with their counselors, early on, to help determine their best course of study.
Crestwood Tutors Can Help Your Student Succeed
SchoolTutoring Academy works with young learners and students, all the way up through high school. We offer Pre-K and Kindergarten Tutoring as well as Elementary School Tutoring to build a strong learning foundation early on. We also offer comprehensive tutoring across all school subjects.
Chalk Talk: How To Meet People in College
In high school, students may have shared classes for years. It can seem easy to make friends. But college is a new environment. Classes might be huge, and it might seem really daunting to meet people and form friendships. Dorm life offers one opportunity. Roommates, if a student is lucky, can be great friends. Other dorm mates, as well, can be friends. Clubs and extracurricular activities are a great way to meet friends who share similar interests. There are tons of student organizations, from political and socially relevant organizations, to groups of similar hobbyists. Once a student moves into higher-level classes, making friends will be easier, as well, because classes will be smaller, and students are more likely to share interests. The key is for students to put themselves out there and try to meet people. Everyone else is in the same boat.