Tutoring Programs
Private, In-Home Tutoring in Sudbury, Massachusetts
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Sudbury, Massachusetts Tutoring Programs
Get started with SchoolTutoring Academy's tutoring programs for Sudbury, Massachusetts students.
Sudbury District and Curriculum
Sudbury Public Schools are comprised of five schools and almost 3,200 students. There are four elementary schools with grades K-5 and a middle school. Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School is located in Sudbury, MA and also is home to students who reside in the town of Lincoln. Sudbury Public Schools’ core values are to allow students to reach their full potential, teach students personal responsibility and integrity, and cultivate a lasting commitment to the community.
We currently cover the following Sudbury-area school districts: Sudbury Public Schools and Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School.
Educating Our Parents: Understanding the Sudbury District Curriculum
Sudbury Public Schools have prepared a curriculum guide for each grade level from K-5. Each curriculum guide contains an introduction explaining to parents what the guide will tell them, a table of contents, a list of expected student learning outcomes for each content area, and the district’s mission statement and core values. Each content area is broken down into topics; for example, literacy includes reading, composition, language, listening, and speaking. The K-5 language arts instruction is built around reading and writing workshops.
As required by the Common Core Standards, elementary students also are involved in genre study, gaining exposure to narratives, folktales, poetry, nonfiction, and drama. The district’s K-8 Math Coordinator created Family Math Guides for three grade bands: K-2, 3-5, and 6-8. These guides explain what students are learning in math at each grade level and how parents can work with their children at home to develop these specific math skills—this includes math websites and mobile apps.
Our Sudbury, Massachusetts tutoring programs are personalized just for you
Our instructors hail from Harvard, Stanford, Duke and other top institutions
Keeping Informed: Recent Sudbury Educational News
- Sudbury to Expand Chromebook Initiative - With the success of Curtis Middle School’s sixth grade one-to-one initiative involving Chromebooks in the 2013-14 school year, the district plans to supply all sixth and seventh grade students and teachers with Chromebooks for the upcoming year, with eighth graders slated to receive the technology in 2015-16. Parents, students, and teachers all had glowing reports of the initiative, as the Chromebooks allowed students to interact with their teachers and peers outside of the classroom as well as inside it. Additionally, 90 percent of parents communicated more with their children’s teachers as a result of the initiative.
- Haynes Dedicates Lending Library to Late Guidance Counselor - Guidance counselor Joanne Kogan, who a special education teacher referred to as “the heart and soul of [the] school,” worked at Haynes Elementary for 20 years before retiring. One wish that she never was able to fulfill was to build a lending library with resources dedicated to parenting, and now a bookshelf sits in the middle of the room outside of the counselor’s office in the school. The lending library is filling up with books collected by the group Joanne’s Rainbow of Friends.
- LSRHS Extracurricular Activities - The high school offers a wide array of extracurricular opportunities for students to participate in. Some groups help students develop their leadership abilities, such as Edge of Leadership or the Student Senate. Others focus on locally important issues like the Environmental Club or Breaking Barriers. There are many ways that students can get involved, and truly a club for everyone!
Sudbury Tutors Can Help Your Student Succeed
SchoolTutoring Academy works with young learners and students, all the way up through high school. We offer Pre-K and Kindergarten Tutoring as well as Elementary School Tutoring to build a strong learning foundation early on. We also offer comprehensive tutoring across all school subjects.
Chalk Talk: What Do Second Graders Learn in Math?
According to the Common Core Standards in Math, second graders will be required to solve much more complex addition and subtraction problems. They will solve such problems within the number 100 as well as one- and two-step word problems involving these operations. By the end of their second grade year, students are expected to be fluent—not relying on pictures, manipulatives, and mental strategies—in solving addition and subtraction problems up to 20, memorizing all the sums of two one-digit numbers added together. They will gain an early foundation for multiplication, being able to pair or count objects in groups by two (or otherwise determine that there is an odd number) and use addition to determine the total amount of objects in a rectangular array. In number and operations in base 10, they will gain an understanding of the hundreds place to build on the place value knowledge of ones and tens that they have from first grade. They are expected to be able to count up to 1,000; skip count by fives, tens, and hundreds; and read and write numbers up to 1,000 in several ways.