Tutoring Programs

Private, In-Home Tutoring in Santa Rosa, California

  • Certified Educators

  • Personalized Learning

  • 1-on-1 Instruction

  • Flexible Scheduling

  • Bi-weekly Progress Reports

Santa Rosa, California Tutoring Programs

Get started with SchoolTutoring Academy's tutoring programs for Santa Rosa, California students.

Santa Rosa District and Curriculum

The schools in Santa Rosa follow a curriculum that offers a standards-based outline to subject area teaching and learning. In Math and English/Language Arts, the Common Core Standards describe the broad learning areas of each subject and the knowledge-base needed in order to become proficient in the subject.

We currently cover the following Santa Rosa-area school district: Bellevue Union School District, Bennett Valley Union School District, Harmony Union Elementary School District, Mark West Union School District, Oak Grove School District, Piner-Olivet Union School District, Rincon Valley Unified School District, Roseland Elementary School District, Santa Rosa City Schools.

Educating Our Parents: Understanding the Santa Rosa District Curriculum

In English/Language Arts, the curriculum details reading fiction and non-fiction, writing processes and purposes, listening and speaking. In Math, the curriculum focuses on the skills of numeracy, algebra, geometry, and data analysis using statistics and probability functions. In Science, students investigate topics in earth science, biology, chemistry, physics, environmental science and technology.

The curriculum provides students with a chance to make gains in critical thinking, problem-solving, reasoning and other advanced thinking skills as they deepen their knowledge each year.

Our Santa Rosa, California tutoring programs are personalized just for you

Our instructors hail from Harvard, Stanford, Duke and other top institutions


Keeping Informed: Recent Santa Rosa Educational News

  • Outdoor Science Gardens - The Santa Rosa Middle School offers students a hands-on learning experience in their own gardens. This living classroom gives students a place where real scientific understanding can blossom.
  • Social Justice - At Santa Rosa High School there are a number of social justice-oriented activities for students to engage in. Some are cultural in nature and others serve to reach out to specific populations. Many teenage students find issues of justice central to their understanding of how the world works and these clubs offer them a great first step into this arena.
  • Women in Science/Engineering - The high school has a strong outreach commitment to women in the sciences. There are a range of activities at the school designed to raise interest amongst female students and many members of the scientific community that lend support to these efforts.

Santa Rosa Tutors Can Help Your Student Succeed

SchoolTutoring Academy works with young learners and students, all the way up through high school. We offer Pre-K and Kindergarten Tutoring as well as Elementary School Tutoring to build a strong learning foundation early on. We also offer comprehensive tutoring across all school subjects.

Chalk Talk: Please Visit Our Blog!

Our teachers enjoy keeping parents up-to-date on the latest educational and instructional technology news. For new articles from our Academic Directors, please visit our blog.