Tutoring Programs

Private, In-Home Tutoring in Lakeville, Massachusetts

  • Certified Educators

  • Personalized Learning

  • 1-on-1 Instruction

  • Flexible Scheduling

  • Bi-weekly Progress Reports

Lakeville, Massachusetts Tutoring Programs

Get started with SchoolTutoring Academy's tutoring programs for Lakeville, Massachusetts students.

Lakeville District and Curriculum

Freetown Lakeville Regional School District serves the communities of Lakeville and Freetown. Apponoquet Regional High School has created an acrostic out of each of the first letters in its name, which encourages “achievement, rigor, honor, [and] success for all students. Apponoquet Regional High offers various unique courses, including Presentational Technology Tools, Hispanic Cultures & Lifestyles, Desktop Publishing, Horror Fiction, Rock and Roll: The History of Our Music, Computers and Music: The 21st Century, Cultures in Conflict: Exploring Global Issues, Criminal Law, Personal Finance with Algebra Applications, and Scientific Research Methods.

We currently cover the following Lakeville-area school district: Freetown Lakeville Regional School District.

Educating Our Parents: Understanding the Lakeville District Curriculum

The school follows MassCore, which outlines the state’s recommendation for the minimum requirements for college and career readiness. This includes at least four units of English, four units of math, three units of lab sciences, three units of social studies (including U.S. and world histories), two units of the same world language, one unit of fine arts, five units of additional courses (electives), and four career development experiences. Developing research skills both in the sciences and through using library resources is also emphasized.

Freshmen and sophomore career development experiences consist of career interest inventories, job shadows, and service learning experiences in the community. In the junior and senior years, these may consist of internships, summer college programs senior and capstone projects, and work-based learning. The electives are designed to help students learn more about subjects they are interested in either on a personal level or as a potential profession. There are objectives designed to help students connect topics they are learning about to the real world.

Our Lakeville, Massachusetts tutoring programs are personalized just for you

Our instructors hail from Harvard, Stanford, Duke and other top institutions


Keeping Informed: Recent Lakeville Educational News

  • Apponoquet High Hosts Exchange Student - Apponoquet High School hosted a 15-year-old exchange student from Monterrey, Mexico. She has studied the English language since the age of six and enrolled in a language academy in her hometown, so part of the reason she came to school in America was to perfect her English. Since coming to the U.S., she joined the school's drama club and celebrated new Christmas traditions with her host family.
  • Apponoquet High Teacher a Published Author - An English teacher at Apponoquet High, James Michael Rice, has written and had published four books. The books were inspired by his life experiences and travels, including a trip to the Amazon.
  • Apponoquet Junior Delivers Warm Blankets to Snowed In Elderly - Through her "Surprise-a-Senior" community service project, an Apponoquet High junior is hopping on board with Meals on Wheels drivers and surprising select senior citizens with fleece blankets and donated books during the cold and snowy Massachusetts winter. She first came up with the idea when she got to know and made friends with people who are part of Lakeville Council of Aging (COA), which her mother is the president of.

Lakeville Tutors Can Help Your Student Succeed

SchoolTutoring Academy works with young learners and students, all the way up through high school. We offer Pre-K and Kindergarten Tutoring as well as Elementary School Tutoring to build a strong learning foundation early on. We also offer comprehensive tutoring across all school subjects.

Chalk Talk: Careers Working with Kids

Do you know that you are interested in working with children? You don't have to wait until you become a teacher and earn your degree to start! There are several ways to work with kids, and it is very beneficial for you to start before teaching becomes your career. Some high schools offer early childhood programs in which students interested in potentially working with children for a career can work with young, preschool-aged kids. High school students can also job-shadow teachers or be involved in classrooms or other environments with children for their "senior projects." There are many ways students can serve children in their community; for example, they can volunteer at Boys & Girls Clubs or spend time with young patients at children's hospitals. High school or college students may obtain seasonal or part-time jobs such as camp counseling and tutoring. Finally, college students who are studying education may be able to work or volunteer as aids in daycares or early childhood centers.