Tutoring Programs
Private, In-Home Tutoring in Cherokee, Iowa
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Cherokee, Iowa Tutoring Programs
Get started with SchoolTutoring Academy's tutoring programs for Cherokee, Iowa students.
Cherokee District and Curriculum
Cherokee Community School District serves slightly over 1,000 students in three schools. The district goals include successfully implementing initiatives that enhance teaching and learning, increasing the integration and the alignment of the Iowa Core Curriculum, and improving communication between all stakeholders within the district. Cherokee Middle School incorporates Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) Testing to, as the name states, measure students’ academic progress in math, reading, and science three times a year. Data from these assessments helps drive instruction for the teachers and administrators.
We currently cover the following Cherokee-area school district: Cherokee Community School District.
Educating Our Parents: Understanding the Cherokee District Curriculum
The Iowa Core Curriculum provides a scope and sequence for learning in Literacy, Math, Science, Social Studies, and 21st Century Skills. Grade-level expectations for each subject are provided, and teachers are able to work together to find areas of overlap so that they may integrate the teaching and learning of different subjects. Students are assessed annually on the grade-level expectations set out in the Iowa Core and these are used to demonstrate each student's proficiency and readiness for the year ahead.
The district strives to implement the Characteristics of Effective Instruction and the Universal Constructs. The Characteristics of Effective Instruction are Teaching for Understanding, Student-Centered Classrooms, Teaching for Student Differences, Rigor and Relevance, and Assessment for Learning. The Universal Constructs are Critical Thinking, Complex Communication, Creativity, Collaboration, Flexibility and Adaptability, and Productivity and Accountability. The district uses the curriculum mapping program Curriculum Manager to help align the curriculum.
Our Cherokee, Iowa tutoring programs are personalized just for you
Our instructors hail from Harvard, Stanford, Duke and other top institutions
Keeping Informed: Recent Cherokee Educational News
- Well-Known Performer to Visit Cherokee - World renowned performer and Iowa native Simon Estes will perform at Cherokee’s Washington High and be backed up by a supporting choir comprised of students from Washington High and another local high school. Estes will also be involved in an assembly for students. A portion of the funds raised to bring the entertainer to Cherokee will go towards scholarships for Cherokee students.
- Washington High Students Awarded for Business Project - A group of four girls from WHS’s Introduction to Business course competed against 400 other teams representing 260 schools from across the nation in an online business simulation project. For their efforts, the girls were each presented with a $100 gift card as well as a $500 donation to United Way by a worldwide accounting firm. The group decided that the $500 funds would benefit the Early Childhood Learning Center at Cherokee School District and be used to purchase fruits and vegetables to be served to the children throughout the school year.
- Three WHS Students Selected As All-State Musicians - Three Washington High School students were selected among student musicians from across the state to participate in the All-State Music Festival at the Hilton Coliseum at Iowa State University. Two of the students were chosen for the All-State Band, while the third student participated in the All-State Choir. The concert was broadcasted by Iowa Public Television.
Cherokee Tutors Can Help Your Student Succeed
SchoolTutoring Academy works with young learners and students, all the way up through high school. We offer Pre-K and Kindergarten Tutoring as well as Elementary School Tutoring to build a strong learning foundation early on. We also offer comprehensive tutoring across all school subjects.
Chalk Talk: Gap Years Program Ideas
Taking a gap year between high school graduation and college is becoming a common goal. Students who take this time from formal education come away with a willingness to face the education that is before them. For students that enjoy the city, they may want to look into a 10-month program called City Year. The volunteers work in groups of 6-12 members and help in schools as either tutors or mentors. They may also head youth leadership programs or help to revitalize neighborhoods. City Year is located in 17 areas and there are four times a year they accept applications. Only one out of four applicants are accepted, so it is good to get the applications in as soon as possible. To find more information students can check City Year.