Spanish Tutoring Programs

Spanish Tutoring That Continues Outside the Session

We employ highly-educated tutors trained to identify which strategies to use in order to help your child master a new language

SchoolTutoring Academy offers individualized Spanish tutoring programs to help students build a strong foundation in the Spanish language.

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    Individualized Spanish Language Tutoring Programs

    As the world becomes more connected and businesses become increasingly global, students are begining to realise that learning a second language can definitely open more doors while launching a new career. Being one of the most commonly spoken languages, Spanish is increasingly being included in school curricula, as early as kindergarten. While learning a new language can be both exciting and rewarding, it may not be something that comes easily to every child. If your child is having difficulty learning Spanish in school, individualized tutoring can provide much needed assistance.

    Contact our Academic Directors Today at 1-877-545-7737 to Discuss your Child’s Strengths and Areas for Improvement.

    SchoolTutoring Academy employs highly-educated tutors who are trained to identify what specific strategies to use in order to help your child master a new language. Our Spanish tutoring program includes:

    Basic vocabulary and sentence structure

    The Spanish alphabet

    Proper pronunciation

    Conjugating verbs

    Everyday conversation including common phrases, questions and responses

    Spanish history and culture

    Spanish Language Instruction in the Comfort of Your Home

    SchoolTutoring Academy offers parents the convenient and affordable option of having their child be tutored in the comfort of the home. Unlike tutoring centers that expose the child to unnecessary distractions and ineffectual use of tutoring time, our program allows the child the opportunity to learn in a more conducive environment. Also, the child is free from peer-pressure and can seek additional help on problems without feeling embarrassed. When learning a new language it is important that the child is able to express himself/herself freely, learn from mistakes and not feel intimidated in any way.

    Learning That Continues Outside the Tutoring Session

    When the tutor leaves for the day, the learning is not done. Learning a new language is easier if the student continues to exercise what is learnt in a tutoring session; new words or expressions learnt can be used when an opportunity presents itself. Also, reviewing lessons on a regular basis helps both, memory and recall. Our tutors are always receptive to parents’ questions and concerns, and are motivated to help the child succeed.

    If you have a child struggling with Spanish, please call SchoolTutoring Academy toll-free at 1-877-545-7737 and an Academic Director will be more than happy to speak with you and provide you with any information that you need.

    Meet Some of Our Spanish Tutors

    Engaging Tutors That Captivate Students

    Each of them is highly-qualified K-12 and university educators

    Testimonials and Case Studies from Our Parents

    SchoolTutoring Academy regularly receives letters and emails from parents about their experience with our programs. Have a great story or anecdote about your experience with any of SchoolTutoring Academy’s programs? We want to hear about it!


    One-on-one Academic Assessment