
Tutoring Options: All States >> Ontario >> Elliot Lake >> Caroline B.

Caroline B

English Tutor

University of Waterloo

Majors: Social Development Studies

Other Certificates: B.A., Education; Reading Specialist; Teaching Certification: Ontario

About Me



I strive to create a safe, comfortable environment for all my students. By building a classroom family, I hope that each child will become engaged and motivated. Through collaboration with myself and each other my students will gain a sense of satisfaction and self-confidence.

As a teacher, it is my obligation to offer my students the experiences they need to become literate. By this I don?t mean just good decoders of words. My students will learn how to make meaning, use text for information and pleasure as well as analyse and think critically about what they read. By offering a balanced and comprehensive literacy program my students will develop skills in oral communication, reading, writing, viewing and representing. It is my duty to show students the power of language in all aspects of their lives.


I completed my Bachelor’s Degree in Social Development Studies through the University of Waterloo. I focused on courses that related to education. In 2008 I graduated from Nipissing University’s Bachelor of Education program. Since then I have completed my Reading Specialist and Special Education Specialist. I am qualified in primary, junior and intermediate.


In 2000, I started my career as an Educational Assistant. I worked with students with a wide range of needs. I assisted students with Autism, Learning Disabilities, Down Syndrome, Developmental Delays and FASD.

I have now been teaching for the past five years. This is my third year in a primary classroom. I also have experience teaching in a congregated classroom, Special Education Resource Teacher and Primary Intervention for reading.


I am involved with the parent council at my daughters elementary school. I love participating in outdoor activities with my students. In the past I have organized Jump Rope for Heart and Fun Days.