Tutoring Programs

Private, In-Home Tutoring in Adams, Massachusetts

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  • Bi-weekly Progress Reports

Adams, Massachusetts Tutoring Programs

Get started with SchoolTutoring Academy's tutoring programs for Adams, Massachusetts students.

Adams District and Curriculum

Adams-Cheshire Regional School District encompasses the towns that compose Hoosac Valley—Adams, Cheshire, and Savoy. School-wide learning expectations for Hoosac Valley High include having the ability to communicate effectively, think critically and problem-solve, achieve the standards as outlined by Common Core, develop technological and creative skills, work well both independently and in groups, and be personally accountable for educational decisions that are made. Unique high school course offerings include British Literature, Modern World History, Development of Modern America “America in the Nuclear Age,” Women’s Studies, Criminal Justice, Current Events, History of Latin America, and Current Topics in Science.

We currently cover the following Adams-area school district: Adams-Cheshire Regional School District.

Educating Our Parents: Understanding the Adams District Curriculum

Data analysis and probability are two central topics of study in the high school math curriculum in Adams. Students learn how to compare data using summary statistics like mean, median and mode. Measures of spread are also explored, including standard deviation and inter-quartile range. Learners use scatterplots to analyze patterns in data. These plots are also utilized to describe relationships between two variables. Experiments are performed in which students use probability models to determine potential outcomes.

The high school English language arts curriculum in Adams helps students develop the skills they need to be effective readers. Learners work with various texts, including those of an informational nature, to determine the key ideas and details of the author’s work. When reading fictional stories, students develop an understanding of how the author develops the plot and relationships between characters. The manner in which a text is structured is also examined in light of how that structure lends to the presentation of ideas by the author.

Our Adams, Massachusetts tutoring programs are personalized just for you

Our instructors hail from Harvard, Stanford, Duke and other top institutions


Keeping Informed: Recent Adams Educational News

  • Football Team Honored for Work in the Community - Hoosac Valley High's football team was honored by the Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association (MIAA) not for its athletic performance but for its community service. The team helped restore the playground at a local elementary school, shoveled out fire hydrants during times of heavy snowfall (very important in preventing fires during the winter), and served chowder at the ThunderFest Winter Festival.
  • Elementary Students "Jump Rope for Heart" - In conjunction with American Heart month, elementary students from Cheshire and C.T. Plunkett elementary schools jump-roped in their gym classes in order to raise awareness of heart disease. The two schools also were able to raise $9,000 in donations, with the top fundraiser—a kindergartener—raising $1,000.
  • Peer Leaders Give to Ronald McDonald House - Through various fundraisers, student peer leaders from Hoosac Valley Middle and High schools were able to raise and donate $575 to Ronald McDonald Houses. Eighteen of these students visited the Springfield Ronald McDonald Houses and spent time with children who were staying there. The students started as peer leaders through the District Attorney's Middle School Peer Mentoring Training Program, which "fosters leadership in young people through education and service to others."

Adams Tutors Can Help Your Student Succeed

SchoolTutoring Academy works with young learners and students, all the way up through high school. We offer Pre-K and Kindergarten Tutoring as well as Elementary School Tutoring to build a strong learning foundation early on. We also offer comprehensive tutoring across all school subjects.

Chalk Talk: What Is Geometry?

Geometry is the branch of mathematics that involves shapes, the position of figures, and space. It is typically one of the three required math courses in high school—in-between the two algebras—taken by tenth graders and advanced ninth graders. Geometry concepts appear early on in the elementary grades, when students learn to recognize the features of and draw basic shapes such as triangles, squares, and circles; they will learn about 3-D and other more complex shapes such as hexagons and cubes in the upper elementary grades. Other geometry concepts include lines, line segments, and rays; perimeter and area; angles and circumference; symmetry; and volume and surface area.