Tutoring Programs
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Ames, Iowa Tutoring Programs
Get started with SchoolTutoring Academy's tutoring programs for Ames, Iowa students.
Ames District and Curriculum
The Ames Community School District’s education plan focuses first and foremost on giving each of its students a world-class education. This means catering to the needs of different types of students. Several learning programs include an alternative learning program, an English as a Second Language program and an Extended Learning Program for gifted students.
We currently cover the following Ames-area school district: Ames Community School District.
Educating Our Parents: Understanding the Ames District Curriculum
Elementary school Mathematics at Ames Community Schools start young learns off with counting, comparing numbers and describing and creating shapes. By middle school, these students will have worked with integers, functions and statistics. High school math at ACSD delves into Algebra, financial Algebra and geometry.
Science begins with an introduction to science as inquiry, and students learn about their natural world through experiments and observations. Middle school topics include physics, chemistry and health. High school students have a wide range of options, including AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP Physics and Honors Earth and Space Science.
Language Arts starts by teaching reading comprehension and the parts of a text. The Language Arts curriculum aims for students to master more complex readings, vocabulary and critical thinking about texts. In High School, options include Advanced Journalism and Composition.
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Our Ames, Iowa tutoring programs are personalized just for you
Our instructors hail from Harvard, Stanford, Duke and other top institutions
Keeping Informed: Recent Ames Educational News
- Elementary Students Combine Music, Art, Dance and Media for a Project - Meeker Elementary School students called upon their many talents for a recent multi-disciplinary project. With teachers help, they each created their own song using GarageBand, created CD cover art using computers and were coached in learning dance moves.
- High Schoolers Teach Their Younger Peers Chemistry - Fifth graders at Fellows Elementary School got a great introduction to chemistry: Their high school peers from Ames High School students who conducted a series of chemistry demonstrations which impressed and interested the younger students. The opportunity for older students to teach also helped them to deepen their understanding of the subject.
- Meeker Elementary School Nominated for Blue Ribbon Award - Meeker Elementary in Ames has been nominated for the U.S. Department of Education's National Blue Ribbon Schools program award. This is one of five national nominations, and it means that Meeker students scored in the top 15% of Iowa schools in the Iowa Assessment.
Ames Tutors Can Help Your Student Succeed
SchoolTutoring Academy works with young learners and students, all the way up through high school. We offer Pre-K and Kindergarten Tutoring as well as Elementary School Tutoring to build a strong learning foundation early on. We also offer comprehensive tutoring across all school subjects.
Chalk Talk: Eating Right for Good Grades
Just like adequate sleep is necessary for optimal intellectual performance, proper nutrition is also essential for school performance. While many schools around the nation are adopting healthier options, here are some general guidelines to follow when packing snacks or in the cafeteria line. 1) Choose good fats such as omega-3s from fish, nuts, seeds and dark leafy greens, 2) Protein is also essential to brain function. Look for lean meats and minimally-sweetened yogurt, 3) Go for complex carbs, such as whole grain cereals or rolls, 4) Don't forget fruits and vegetables. Essential micronutrients can be found in them, 5) Drink water. It's just as important to a healthy brain as food.