Tutoring Programs

Private, In-Home Tutoring in Arkansas City, Kansas

  • Certified Educators

  • Personalized Learning

  • 1-on-1 Instruction

  • Flexible Scheduling

  • Bi-weekly Progress Reports

Arkansas City, Kansas Tutoring Programs

Get started with SchoolTutoring Academy's tutoring programs for Arkansas City, Kansas students.

Arkansas City District and Curriculum

SchoolTutoring Academy’s tutoring programs for Arkansas City students start with a ACADEMIC ASSESSMENT with an Academic Director. Call us now for a personalized quote! Our services include regular one-on-one tutoring, academic mentorship, bi-weekly progress reports, learning profiles and parental conference calls.

Arkansas City District Curriculum Used in Our In-Home Tutoring Programs

The Arkansas City School District contains six Elementary Schools, one Middle School, and one High School. Each of these schools consistently meet and exceed the Adequate Yearly Progress Standards by adhering to the Kansas State Standards in the following subjects: Math, Reading, Science, Social Studies, and Writing.

We currently cover the following Arkansas City-area school district: Arkansas City Public Schools.

Educating Our Parents: Understanding the Arkansas City District Curriculum

The Standards for Kindergarten Writing, for example, call for the student to choose an idea on his or her own and draw or write about it. Also expected is the ability to write a complete sentence, to communicate through drawing or writing, and learning about the vast worlds of English words that can make writing more effective and dynamic. To make sure these Benchmark Standards are met,
Instructional Examples are given for the teacher. These prompts lead the student to achieve the Standard goals on his or her own and encourages self-growth.

The fundamentals which students develop in their subjects, such as problem solving abilities in Math, prepare students for more complex learning challenges as they move forward in their education. This instructional design is used so that students are fundamentally prepared for college and career.

Our Arkansas City, Kansas tutoring programs are personalized just for you

Our instructors hail from Harvard, Stanford, Duke and other top institutions


Keeping Informed: Recent Arkansas City Educational News

  • Upward Bound - For students attending Arkansas City High School, many have the opportunity to enter the nationally renowned academic enrichment program Upward Bound. This is a year round program which complements core academic learning and also has an intensive summer component housed at a college campus in which students take a range of academic courses. Students also receive support in applying into college.
  • Parents as Teachers - The Parents as Teachers program is for members of the educational community with children ages birth to 5. The district provides resources and learning centers for families to utilize and connect with other parents who are focusing in on early childhood education at home.
  • ACHS Pool To Reopen - The Board of Education has voted to repair the High School pool, with a projected date for the reopening set for the second semester. The repairs will correct the problems the pool had with water loss and will reopen as a much-improved swimming facility.

Arkansas City Tutors Can Help Your Student Succeed

SchoolTutoring Academy works with young learners and students, all the way up through high school. We offer Pre-K and Kindergarten Tutoring as well as Elementary School Tutoring to build a strong learning foundation early on. We also offer comprehensive tutoring across all school subjects.

Chalk Talk: How You Know Your Tutor Is Right For You

A one-on-one tutor should be many things: helpful, challenging, and patient. They should listen to your concerns and focus on those areas of study you need help in. If you're struggling in math, for example, but doing great in reading, extra time should be set aside for math study. A good tutor will know to do this intuitively. If your tutor doesn't listen to your academic needs and insists on tutoring according to their own pre-set lesson plan, feel free to bring the subject up with your parents. The right tutor can make a world of difference, and you're the only one who will know who you are comfortable with and from whose help you benefit the most from.