Tutoring Programs

Private, In-Home Tutoring in Atlantic, Iowa

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Atlantic, Iowa Tutoring Programs

Get started with SchoolTutoring Academy's tutoring programs for Atlantic, Iowa students.

Atlantic District and Curriculum

Atlantic Community School District’s mission is to provide a positive, challenging learning environment with diverse learning opportunities to help cultivate innovative and productive global citizens. The district also is committed to implementing innovative and collaborative projects to enhance instruction, and the high school is instituting 21st century skills within their curriculum to ensure students succeed in these areas. The Iowa Core Curriculum focuses on traditional academic subjects like literacy, math, science, and social studies, and has also implemented a focus on college and career readiness.

We currently cover the following Atlantic-area school district: Atlantic Community School District.

Educating Our Parents: Understanding the Atlantic District Curriculum

The Literacy curriculum contains objectives for reading literature, informational texts, and foundational texts and applying appropriate analytic skills to their comprehension of each. Students learn about how to identify key details and themes, how texts are structured, and how ideas relate to each other. They also learn to decode the meaning of new vocabulary and use formal English in their own writing and speaking. Writing skills emphasize persuasive, analytic, and critical writing.

Atlantic has placed great emphasis on its journalism program. The Atlantic High newspaper staff has created a very professional-looking, regularly updated website for its digital newspaper the AHS Needle. The website includes articles on school sports, activities, and fine arts; editorials; reviews; and video-based Eye of the Needle newscasts. It also contains tickers that show sports scores and the latest headlines, comment sections at the ends of articles, poll questions, and a link to submit a letter to the newspaper.

Our Atlantic, Iowa tutoring programs are personalized just for you

Our instructors hail from Harvard, Stanford, Duke and other top institutions


Keeping Informed: Recent Atlantic Educational News

  • AHS Principal Named IHSPA Administrator of the Year - Atlantic High Principal Heather McKay was recognized with the Iowa High School Press Association Administrator of the Year honor for her heavy involvement in the school’s journalism program. The principal was nominated by journalism teacher Allison Berryhill, who cited her “constant inspiration and support.” Ms. McKay, who taught journalism for 13 years, was “very shocked” by the honor.
  • Atlantic Schools Give Its Teachers a Little TLC - Atlantic Community School District has instituted a mentoring program, the Teacher Leadership and Compensation program, to help teachers improve their instruction. The TLC program—funded by a $150,000 grant—will feature a lead, or “expert” teacher, in each building in the district and assist each educator in becoming a better teacher.
  • AHS Welcomes German Exchange Students - One of the four foreign exchange students to join Atlantic High for the 2015 school year is a 16-year-old German. In school, he is taking a culinary arts class and joined the football team. He came to the U.S. to try something new and to improve his English.

Atlantic Tutors Can Help Your Student Succeed

SchoolTutoring Academy works with young learners and students, all the way up through high school. We offer Pre-K and Kindergarten Tutoring as well as Elementary School Tutoring to build a strong learning foundation early on. We also offer comprehensive tutoring across all school subjects.

Chalk Talk: Fun With Language Through Books

Students often think of English and grammar as boring, so it is important that they learn all the fun nuances of language. The simply titled Language, written by Carol Greene, addresses such topics as what language is, how language began, how it changes, the abundance of languages that exist, how to make it work, how to have fun with it, etc. The book shows photographs that students can relate to that portray language—Coca-Cola bottles, billboards, chalkboards, traffic signs, storefront windows, an ice cream truck, and greeting cards. Woe Is I Jr.: The Younger Grammarphobe’s Guide to Better English in Plain English, written by Patricia T. O’Conner, teaches such grammar aspects as pronoun use, “I” versus “me” use, “they’re” versus “their” versus “there,” the rules of plurals, possessives, verb tenses, “affect” versus “effect” (and similar concepts), capitalization, punctuation, etc., in a fun, non-intimidating way and is chock-full of humorous cartoons.