Tutoring Programs
Private, In-Home Tutoring in Baldwin, New York
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Baldwin, New York Tutoring Programs
Get started with SchoolTutoring Academy's tutoring programs for Baldwin, New York students.
Baldwin District and Curriculum
Baldwin Schools contain seven schools and 5,244 students. There are five elementary schools with grades K-5, a middle school, and a high school. Baldwin Schools’ Department of Curriculum and Instruction consists of the Assistant Superintendent for Instruction and the Director of Curriculum and Instruction. The district utilizes New York State’s Common Core Standards in order to cultivate students who are engaged learners and productive citizens. NYLearns has created curriculum maps that make it easier for all New York teachers to implement Common Core and customize the curriculum based on their needs.
We currently cover the following Baldwin-area school district: Baldwin Schools.
Educating Our Parents: Understanding the Baldwin District Curriculum
There is one curriculum map for each quarter of the school year and each content area or high school course per grade level. The curriculum maps contain the relevant standards, the essential questions that guide instruction, the content that students need to learn, the skills students are to be able to do, the necessary instructional resources, and the assessments (formative and benchmark) used. They provide the scope and sequence of learning that builds critical awareness of the subject.
Standards in science include content knowledge and scientific investigational skills in each topic such as biology, environmental science, chemistry or physics. For instance, in chemistry, students work with organic and inorganic compounds. In particular, they examine the ability of carbon to make rings and form chains. High school students also study thermodynamics. Students identify what thermal energy is, and explain how it consists of ordered and unordered motion of colliding particles.
Our Baldwin, New York tutoring programs are personalized just for you
Our instructors hail from Harvard, Stanford, Duke and other top institutions
Keeping Informed: Recent Baldwin Educational News
- Baldwin Schools’ Mentorship Program Shines - In 2001, Baldwin High’s school-to-career coordinator began a program that paired adult mentors with students; the program had five teachers and five students then and has now grown to include over 100 teachers and 150 students. The program has also expanded to the middle school and three of the district’s elementary schools. The mentoring program is very impactful; one mentor keeps in touch with a student she mentored in 2004, while a recently graduating student said that she wouldn’t have been standing there at graduation had it not been for her mentor.
- Baldwin Students Host Food Drive - Two Baldwin Middle School students—along with their siblings—held an independent food drive in order to benefit the St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry. The children delivered the 366 items they collected during the drive to the pantry and were personally thanked.
- Baldwin School Serves Thanksgiving Dinner to Sandy Victims - The Long Island area was one of the hardest hit by Hurricane Sandy in 2012, and Baldwin Schools were lucky to be spared. Therefore, teachers and staff at Baldwin Middle School wanted to do something to help those who were affected and hosted an early Thanksgiving dinner, with paper plates, decorations, and beverages being donated by the school’s PTA. They hosted two seatings, which saw a total of 600 people attend. Baldwin’s superintendent as well as students, including those from the football team, helped out during the day.
Baldwin Tutors Can Help Your Student Succeed
SchoolTutoring Academy works with young learners and students, all the way up through high school. We offer Pre-K and Kindergarten Tutoring as well as Elementary School Tutoring to build a strong learning foundation early on. We also offer comprehensive tutoring across all school subjects.
Chalk Talk: The Importance of Self-Confident Children in School
It is very important for children to be self-confident and have high self-esteem in order to perform well academically and be developed socially. Students who are self-confident often make friends more easily and get involved in more extracurricular activities, while those with low self-esteem may isolate from their peers or get involved with the wrong crowd. Sometimes, they may act as bullies. Students who have high self-esteem may be more likely to take leadership roles in clubs or on sports teams and act as role models for their peers and younger children. Academically-speaking, they will be more confident to actively participate in class and take academic risks. If teachers or parents have low academic expectations of students, they will likely hold themselves to these low expectations as well and may not bother to put in the proper effort on their schoolwork. While parents and teachers often name the other party when asked who is responsible for building confidence in children, both should work with their children in order to do so.