Tutoring Programs
Private, In-Home Tutoring in Blair, Nebraska
Certified Educators
Personalized Learning
1-on-1 Instruction
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Bi-weekly Progress Reports
Blair, Nebraska Tutoring Programs
Get started with SchoolTutoring Academy's tutoring programs for Blair, Nebraska students.
Blair District and Curriculum
Blair Community Schools, located in Eastern Nebraska along the Missouri River, is a close knit community of 7,500 people. The school system is supported by the community of Blair in a variety of ways. Blair Community Schools effectively teaches a core curriculum of History, Reading, Science, and Mathematics to the students. This curriculum was developed by the Nebraska State Department of Education and enhanced with relevant programs and electives at the district level.
We currently cover the following Blair-area school district: Blair Community Schools.
Educating Our Parents: Understanding the Blair District Curriculum
Students in grades K-12 learn a great deal in reading, as it is a spiraling curriculum. Standards include: using many genres of literature to evaluate, analyze, and make connections and inferences. The students are taught to master these skills using different genres of text to aid in critical thinking skills and to reinforce comprehension. Branching over into history, a variety of nonfiction is read, such as historical texts, biographies, and books on varying cultures are analyzed.
Mathematics, which also builds on foundations, has standards that contain goals such as showing relationships among complex numbers (secondary level), exploring irrational numbers, comparing and contrasting numbers that are complex, as well as their properties, and the demonstration of operations using real numbers. The development of mathematic literacy, understanding of practical applications, and ability to communicate mathematic thought are all central to the curriculum.
Our Blair, Nebraska tutoring programs are personalized just for you
Our instructors hail from Harvard, Stanford, Duke and other top institutions
Keeping Informed: Recent Blair Educational News
- DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge - The Community of Blair has a nearby Wildlife Refuge that students can attend through school field trips or with their families. The Desoto National Refuge for Wildlife provides a rich educational experience for children and adults. The wildlife includes a very large amount (over 250 different species) of migratory and residential birds and species that are threatened, such as the Bald Eagle.
- Showing Off the Apps - Blair High School students have been showing off their apps! Recently the students attended a School Board meeting and did a presentation for the members. They showed how they are using the apps to assist in their learning. The BHS students communicated how they used iPads in the school, and also showed members a variety of apps used, such as Prezi, ShowMe, and Skitch. Great job, BHS students!
- International Exchange Program - The International Exchange Program is a wonderful learning experience for all involved. The Exchange student learns about a new land and culture, and the hosting student learns about their new friends’ culture and customs. The most recent opportunity is one of a lifetime, as Blair students are encouraged to apply to attend a two-week visit to Japan! For more information, click on the link above, and be on the way to learning about authentic Asian culture this summer!
Blair Tutors Can Help Your Student Succeed
SchoolTutoring Academy works with young learners and students, all the way up through high school. We offer Pre-K and Kindergarten Tutoring as well as Elementary School Tutoring to build a strong learning foundation early on. We also offer comprehensive tutoring across all school subjects.
Chalk Talk: Technology Within the Schools
Nowadays, when students go to school, they do not only sit in class all day, every day, and listen to lessons. Many lessons have technology incorporated into them, and this not only helps the teacher with the delivery of content, but the students as well. Technology usage, such as iPads, computer labs, laptop mobile labs, and Smartboards keep the students engaged and their minds enriched. Many schools have funded a variety of technology tools, and the students are enjoying school much more as they discover much more!