Tutoring Programs
Private, In-Home Tutoring in Chardon, Ohio
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Chardon, Ohio Tutoring Programs
Get started with SchoolTutoring Academy's tutoring programs for Chardon, Ohio students.
Chardon District and Curriculum
Children in kindergarten through the twelfth grade in Chardon and the surrounding communities are educated in the Chardon City School District. The district includes four elementary schools, one middle school, and one high school, each of which offers children an engaging, welcoming, and safe environment in which to learn. The district’s 3,000 students enjoy a variety of academic and extracurricular programming that promotes their overall development. Students acquire essential intellectual skills, while also acquiring valuable tools that ensure their success in college and career. There is an emphasis on developing higher ordered thinking skills, including problem solving and critical thinking.
We currently cover the following Chardon-area school district: Chardon City School District.
Educating Our Parents: Understanding the Chardon District Curriculum
The social studies curriculum offered in Chardon explores topics related to world geography. Students explore how ancient humans interacted with their environment, and how the surrounding geographic features influenced those interactions. Learners identify geographic features that were necessary for human survival, such as proximity to water and protection from outsiders. The placement of ancient civilizations along rivers, lakes, and oceans, typifies the need to utilize the nearby environment to meet human needs.
The Chardon science curriculum culminates in high school with a study of physical geology. Students explore various minerals as well as their properties, including their fluorescence, luster, and cleavage. Learners examine different rocks as well, including those that are igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary. Glacial geology is a central component of the curriculum as well. Students identify the manner in which glaciers shape the earth into geologic formations. Learners also examine information obtained from ice cores to identify the ways in which the earth’s climate has changed over the course of many hundreds of years.
Our Chardon, Ohio tutoring programs are personalized just for you
Our instructors hail from Harvard, Stanford, Duke and other top institutions
Keeping Informed: Recent Chardon Educational News
- Open Enrollment for Local Families - Chardon City Schools has adopted an open enrollment policy. As per this policy, families that live outside the boundaries of the school district can apply for their children to attend Chardon’s schools. By doing so, the district also increases the financing available for new programs and learning initiatives.
- New Kindergarten Options Available - Parents of school-aged children in Chardon have two kindergarten options from which to choose. A tuition-based, all-day, every day kindergarten is offered, as is a free, all-day, alternating day option. These options are designed to fit the different needs of the districts youngest learners.
- District Report Card Issued by State - Interested parties can review Chardon City Schools’ state report card online. The district received many high marks, including an A for meeting state indicators. Parents can get a sense of how the school is doing in getting all students to achieve the learning goals, as well as review graduation rates and college attendance rates.
Chardon Tutors Can Help Your Student Succeed
SchoolTutoring Academy works with young learners and students, all the way up through high school. We offer Pre-K and Kindergarten Tutoring as well as Elementary School Tutoring to build a strong learning foundation early on. We also offer comprehensive tutoring across all school subjects.
Chalk Talk: Why Hands-On Learning Works
Lessons that require students to be actively engaged in hands-on activities offer students a variety of benefits. First, because these activities require constant engagement, students are more deeply invested in their learning. This active participation gives students a feeling of ownership over their education. Second, hands-on learning helps students better retain the information they are studying. In fact, research shows that students hold on to more than three times as much information from a hands-on activity than they do from a lecture. Lastly, hands-on learning is beneficial because it facilitates critical thinking skills. In other learning activities, memory and attention are heavily relied upon. And while hands-on learning benefits from those tasks, students also develop strong analytical, problem solving, and critical thinking skills that they can utilize in a broad spectrum of educational activities.