Tutoring Programs
Private, In-Home Tutoring in Chelsea, Massachusetts
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Chelsea, Massachusetts Tutoring Programs
Get started with SchoolTutoring Academy's tutoring programs for Chelsea, Massachusetts students.
Chelsea District and Curriculum
Chelsea Public Schools consist of nine schools and 5,600 students. There are four elementary schools with grades 1-4, three middle schools, and a high school. Also, the district is recognized nationwide for its early learning center–containing pre-kindergarten and kindergarten students—that implements an innovative program for three- to six-year-olds. All Chelsea staff is committed to the “Bridge to Success,” meaning that every student will meet high expectations, use critical thinking skills, and graduate being prepared for college and their career.
We currently cover the following Chelsea-area school district: Chelsea Public Schools.
Educating Our Parents: Understanding the Chelsea District Curriculum
Each school has its own vision, mission, and goals, which tie in instruction and curriculum aspects. For example, Berkowitz Elementary educators have the thematic goal of instilling a common instructional model amongst them. Part of Hooks Elementary School’s mission is to develop students’ literacy and math skills so that they can reach proficiency in these critical subjects. The goals are accomplished by aligning the learning expectations from the curriculum with daily teaching.
Kelly Elementary’s mission is to provide a rigorous curriculum that requires students to use higher order thinking in all content areas. Its values include delivering a clear, sequential curriculum in each content area; giving student’s opportunities to solve problems, research, and communicate, and so on. These skills are then used regularly during high school and in college, and increase a students’ independence in learning.
Our Chelsea, Massachusetts tutoring programs are personalized just for you
Our instructors hail from Harvard, Stanford, Duke and other top institutions
Keeping Informed: Recent Chelsea Educational News
- Middle Schools Open Doors to Future Students - Chelsea’s three middle schools recently held open houses that were attended by about 50 parents and fourth grade students who would soon be moving on to middle school. Current middle school students were eager to show off their schools, discuss the transition from elementary to middle school, and answer questions from the visitors.
- Kelly’s “Literacy Fun Night” Well-Attended - Nearly 300 students and parents attended the recently held Family Literacy Fun Night at Kelly Elementary School. The event went smoothly, as the attendees circulated through stations that had them reading and writing poetry, playing with words, and more.
- Students Advance at Moot Court Competition - Two out of three Chelsea High School students who competed at the Marshall-Brennan Moot Court Competition at the Suffolk University Law School in Boston advanced to the final round. The three students were all in the same Intro to Law class, which was partly taught by Marshall-Brennan Fellows from the law school. This was the first year Chelsea High School participated in the Marshall-Brennan program, which was named after Justices Thurgood Marshall and William J. Brennan, Jr.
Chelsea Tutors Can Help Your Student Succeed
SchoolTutoring Academy works with young learners and students, all the way up through high school. We offer Pre-K and Kindergarten Tutoring as well as Elementary School Tutoring to build a strong learning foundation early on. We also offer comprehensive tutoring across all school subjects.
Chalk Talk: Publishing Students’ Work
Oftentimes, students finish their piece of writing, turn it in, and never see it again. This does not allow them to look back on their writing and reflect on the work that they have done. Students often have portfolios in which they can save their work in one place and see their growth throughout the year. This is a great step, but publishing can be taken farther. The publishing of students’ work is a key part of the writers’ workshop, and there are several ways it can be done. Students’ stories can be illustrated and bound and put in the classroom library. Another option is to compile children’s stories into one class book. Students will love to read their own writing and that of their classmates during silent reading times. This will make them feel that they have done great work—that their writing belongs on the shelves with books written by published authors. For older students, there are many websites that publish young authors’ work for free. Very technologically savvy teachers may turn their students’ works into Kindle- or Nook-quality e-books that can be available for download.