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Cottage Grove, Minnesota Tutoring Programs
Get started with SchoolTutoring Academy's tutoring programs for Cottage Grove, Minnesota students.
Cottage Grove District and Curriculum
Igniting a lifelong love of learning means Cottage Grove schools follow the strategic plan that is outlined by the South Washington County School District. Data driven data is used to track the progress of Cottage Grove students in Reading, Writing, Math, and Science. Information is used to understand the strengths and weaknesses of individual students and whole classes so that teachers can maximize their instructional resources. Beyond this focus on academics, however, the district also emphasizes electives in creative and high interest areas for students to experience.
We currently cover the following Cottage Grove-area school district: South Washington County School District.
Educating Our Parents: Understanding the Cottage Grove District Curriculum
Proficiency in the state standards can be quite rigorous in math for students in the Cottage Grove schools. By Kindergarten, students are already introduced to recognizing, create, completing, and extending patterns of numbers, a skill crucial for algebra. The main focus is geometry and measurement, data and analysis, and algebraic operations during the middle school years so that students are prepared for full year courses in these subjects.
The tracking of proficiency also means that the goals for ELA state standards are followed closely. The recent publication from the state of Minnesota about the Common Core explains the large overlap of concern between the two educational plans. In either plan, ELA students in the K-5 are expected to have reading skills that understand key ideas and details; craft and structure; integration of knowledge and ideas; and range of level and level of text complexity. Grades 6-12 proceed from these foundations, engaging with complex works of prose.
Our Cottage Grove, Minnesota tutoring programs are personalized just for you
Our instructors hail from Harvard, Stanford, Duke and other top institutions
Keeping Informed: Recent Cottage Grove Educational News
- Channel 15 - Public access television for school district events. There's everything from high school basketball to student concerts. Another focus is on instruction in the school district, covered in the program Its Instructional. Parents can also see the school board meetings. Other topics in the district schools are also covered, such as School Bus Safety. The highlight of the channel is the student-created programs, however, with such creative shows like Trapped in Hitler's Hell, or more multicultural explorations, like China Night. There is always something new on the schedule.
- Summer Programming - Most parents approach the summer season a little apprehensive, wondering what programs their children can attend, in the hopes of warding mental fatigue away. The summer programming guide helps inform parents in the district. All year the district schools serve the students of Cottage Grove. The Summer Campus is there to help students with math, reading, and writing during the months out of school. Camp 6 is for students who are entering 6th grade. There’s also High School Programming. Designed exclusively for incoming 9th graders, this is a much needed program to help students and parents prepare to enroll their child in the Cottage Grove high school, Park High School.
- School District Publication - Parents of Cottage Grove school children can get digital copies of student life in the school district. New topics of instructions, such as the implementation of the Common Core, are also covered. While hard copy subscriptions are available, and will be delivered to a subscriber's mailbox, the above link of Window on Education contains all the past editions. All community members are offered a free subscription. It is a great, and free, way of keeping informed of all district news and the decisions that impact Cottage Grove schools.
Cottage Grove Tutors Can Help Your Student Succeed
SchoolTutoring Academy works with young learners and students, all the way up through high school. We offer Pre-K and Kindergarten Tutoring as well as Elementary School Tutoring to build a strong learning foundation early on. We also offer comprehensive tutoring across all school subjects.
Chalk Talk: The Role of Student Tracking
Tracking, the separation of students into similar classes, subjects, or curriculum is important for its addressing of the issue of skills deficits of a student. Tracking makes sure that students are in classes with other students whose academic achievement matches their own. The designations of above average, average, and below average tell more than how a student is meeting the instructional standards. Tracking allows school faculty to intervene in the academic career of a student by identifying deficits, and remedying the difficulties. Solutions to the low progress of a student can be addressed by the assigning of specific classes, subjects, or curriculum. Some potential remedies involve the differentiation of instruction and modifications and accommodations to support deficits and create authentic academic skills. Tracking also helps above average students, by placing them in classes or subjects that keep pace with their accelerated learning or skills.