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Crossett, Arkansas Tutoring Programs
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Crossett District and Curriculum
Crossett Public School District consists of three schools and nearly 2,000 students. The district strives to prepare its students to succeed in a global society and achieve a “Tradition of Excellence.” Crossett has several core beliefs, including giving students an engaging, challenging education; employing high-quality educators who are nurturing; providing a safe and orderly learning environment; being accountable—along with the students, families, and the community—for the education the students receive; engaging in communication with all parties involved; shaping students into lifelong learners; and creating a community of learners amongst the district’s students.
We currently cover the following Crossett-area school district: Crossett Public School District.
Educating Our Parents: Understanding the Crossett District Curriculum
Crossett School District uses the Common Core Standards. The district explains on its website that although there are fewer standards, the Common Core Standards are more rigorous than the previously utilized state standards in that they require students to use higher-order thinking skills and solve problems. Their main benefit is to get students ready for college and their careers. Crossett’s administrators reviewed and altered the district’s vision, mission, and core beliefs so that they fit into the Common Core framework.
The design of this curriculum was based on overarching units, or themes, which were divided into weekly units of study. For example, during unit one in literacy, third grade students retell stories, read multicultural stories, read and interpret poetry, review various parts of speech, write stories, and conduct basic research. There is both a series of focus standards and supporting standards that align with these activities.

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Our instructors hail from Harvard, Stanford, Duke and other top institutions
Keeping Informed: Recent Crossett Educational News
- CHS Students Attend FBLA Conference - Twenty-three students from Crossett High School attended the District III FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) Conference. Each student was interested in a particular discipline or skill, such as agribusiness, computer problem solving, cyber security, job interviews, word processing, etc. Nine of the students earned the opportunity to attend the state conference.
- CES Receives Health-Related Grant -Crossett Elementary School was one of 42 state-wide health improvement programs to be awarded a grant on behalf of the Blue & You Foundation for a Healthier Arkansas. The school will use the $150,000 grant to construct an “Outdoor Fitness Trail” that will span a quarter of a mile in length and include 15 exercise stations. Blue & You was established by Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield to promote improvements in such health issues as nutrition, exercise, and dental and mental health.
- First Graders Receive iPads - At the start of the 2013-14 school year, first grade students and teachers at CES had a cart with 21 iPads available to them. First grade teachers were rewarded with the devices through the Crossett Education Alliance grant. One instance in which students regularly use the iPads is during the student learning centers; they work with apps that enforce several Common Core concepts in literacy and math.
Crossett Tutors Can Help Your Student Succeed
SchoolTutoring Academy works with young learners and students, all the way up through high school. We offer Pre-K and Kindergarten Tutoring as well as Elementary School Tutoring to build a strong learning foundation early on. We also offer comprehensive tutoring across all school subjects.
Chalk Talk: Determining the Author’s Purpose
Authors always have a purpose for writing a piece or a story, and it is important for students to be able to decipher their purpose in order to fully understand the text they are reading. Typically, the author writes in order to do one of the following: to inform, entertain, or persuade the audience. Expository texts that provide a great abundance of facts and information were likely written to inform readers about a topic. Texts that attempt to convince readers to do something or think a certain way, such as to purchase a particular product, were probably written to persuade; advertisements and commercials almost always aim to persuade. Lastly, works that do not include information or attempt to persuade readers but are simply enjoyable to read have the purpose of entertaining. Oftentimes, it may be tricky for students to decide on one of these purposes because texts may do more than one thing. In these cases, students should be instructed to choose the best option, or what the author is doing the most.