Tutoring Programs
Private, In-Home Tutoring in Danville, Kentucky
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Danville, Kentucky Tutoring Programs
Get started with SchoolTutoring Academy's tutoring programs for Danville, Kentucky students.
Danville District and Curriculum
The schools in Danville follow the Kentucky Department of Education curriculum. This curriculum provides a comprehensive overview for how students are expected to progress through subject-area learning from kindergarten through graduation. Core subjects and elective options are provided for so that students are able to gain a solid foundation which they can connect to their individual interests.
We currently cover the following Danville-area school districts: Boyle County Schools and Danville Schools.
Educating Our Parents: Understanding the Danville District Curriculum
Arts and Humanities are taught throughout the curriculum. By middle school children are exposed to all the forms of humanities. There is a core set of standards for your child’s teacher to work with. Using these core standards your child is exposed to dance, drama, music and visual arts. Active experiences are encouraged. By high school, students may specialize in one of the art forms or in several. Students are encouraged to develop as far as they can towards excellence in their chosen field.
In Mathematics, your child is exposed to numerical operations at a very early age. Your child’s teacher teaches to a core set of standards that are set for each grade. For instance, by grade four your child is expected to divide using whole numbers. These concrete standards are seen throughout the curriculum and advance throughout the grade levels. By the end of high school quite complex algebra and geometry expectations are visible.
Our Danville, Kentucky tutoring programs are personalized just for you
Our instructors hail from Harvard, Stanford, Duke and other top institutions
Keeping Informed: Recent Danville Educational News
- Governor’s Cup - Danville High School won the Governor’s Cup which is an academic competition in District 46. This is a yearly event and Danville students did very well this year.
- Black History Month - Danville Schools celebrate Black History Month as a major learning opportunity. There are times and events dedicated to the positive role black Americans have played in US history.
- Distinguished School - Perryville Elementary school is proud to have become a Distinguished School by ranking in the top 7 % of schools in Kentucky in academics according to the Kentucky Performance Rating for Educational Progress. This is a great honor for all members of this elementary school.
- The Schools Are the News - PBS featured Danville Schools in a segment of NewsHour because the schools are working on meaningful learning for their students. The film crews spent three days at Bate Middle School and Danville High School filming for this segment.
Danville Tutors Can Help Your Student Succeed
SchoolTutoring Academy works with young learners and students, all the way up through high school. We offer Pre-K and Kindergarten Tutoring as well as Elementary School Tutoring to build a strong learning foundation early on. We also offer comprehensive tutoring across all school subjects.
Chalk Talk: The Importance of the Performing Arts
Theatre is an important part of your education. Theater isn’t just for the artsy types; it is for everyone. In Language Arts, you are expected to develop speaking skills and taking part in theater will help that. In all subjects you are expected to think deeply and reflect on life events. Theater participation and attendance helps with that. There are four live theaters in Danville and attending or helping with their productions can only make you a smarter citizen. Look for the opportunities to watch live theater and also to participate. It could be said that attending and taking part in sports events or anything done live by real people is participating in theater for purposes of this discussion. Find out what your fellow citizens are doing, and watch or participate.