Tutoring Programs

Private, In-Home Tutoring in Delta Township, Michigan

  • Certified Educators

  • Personalized Learning

  • 1-on-1 Instruction

  • Flexible Scheduling

  • Bi-weekly Progress Reports

Delta Township, Michigan Tutoring Programs

Get started with SchoolTutoring Academy's tutoring programs for Delta Township, Michigan students.

Delta Township District and Curriculum

There are four school districts that serve Delta Township, Michigan including Grand Ledge Public Schools, Waverly Community Schools, Holt Public Schools, and Lansing School District. The majority of students in Delta Township attend schools in either Grand Ledge Public Schools or Waverly Community Schools. All districts use learning standards from the Common Core curriculum and the Michigan State framework. At the core of these schools are strong school and family relationships, high academic standards, and a rigorous curriculum.

We currently cover the following Delta Township-area school districts: Grand Ledge Public Schools, Holt Public Schools, Lansing School District, and Waverly Community Schools.

Educating Our Parents: Understanding the Delta Township District Curriculum

One of the goals of the national Common Core curriculum is to prepare all students to be ready to enroll in college or join the work force. Several anchor standards in the Language Arts curriculum speak to this goal. One of these is the speaking and listening strand where students must master the act of active listening and collaborative conversations. They must also be able to present information coherently to an audience. Students will work on this strand through high school by integrating it into other subjects whenever possible.

Another goal of the Common Core curriculum is to assure that all students are literate in the content areas of Science, History, and Technology. One of the ways the curriculum does this is by integrating Language Arts with these content areas. For instance, during the Language Arts block students may read an informational text about the rainforest and then write an argumentative piece explaining why trees should not be cut down in the rainforest any further.

Our Delta Township, Michigan tutoring programs are personalized just for you

Our instructors hail from Harvard, Stanford, Duke and other top institutions


Keeping Informed: Recent Delta Township Educational News

  • Grand Ledge Wins Conference Golf Championship - Grand Ledge High School’s golf team won its second conference championship this year by a close tie-breaker. The 18-hole CAAC Blue Championship was held in late May at a local course. This win will send the team to a regional division meet.
  • School Board Honors Top 25 Students - The 25 top performing students at GLHS were recently honored for their accomplishments. The criteria for the award included grades and test scores. A small awards ceremony was held at the school board building and students received certificates.
  • Student's Invention Wins Award - A phone case with a solar panel charger won a Waverly High School freshman third place in the Young Innovators Competition. After dealing with a dead cell phone battery over and over again, the student decided to use a 3-D printer to make a solar panel that could charge her phone anywhere. For her hard work and innovation she received $1,000.

Delta Township Tutors Can Help Your Student Succeed

SchoolTutoring Academy works with young learners and students, all the way up through high school. We offer Pre-K and Kindergarten Tutoring as well as Elementary School Tutoring to build a strong learning foundation early on. We also offer comprehensive tutoring across all school subjects.

Chalk Talk: How to Learn Math Skills in Real-Live Context

It’s one thing to learn Mathematics concepts in school, but applying them in real-life scenarios is the true test of mastery. You can give your student some extra practice and exposure with a few helpful ideas. Younger students can set up a lemonade stand to practice many of these skills. Mixing the lemonade will require students to practice their measurement skills while selling it will entail adding and subtracting decimal numbers. Older students can practice some of these same skills by have a yard sale. Have your student gather any items they no longer want or need. Then, have them itemize each item, come up with a price, and label everything. This will help students practice categorizing and estimating. Finally, have your student hold a yard sale one weekend giving him or her complete control of the advertising, set-up, and money. While practicing several Math skills, they may also make a little money that they can then use to create a budget for things they would like to buy. Not only will students have fun with these activities, they will learn some valuable lessons as well.