Tutoring Programs
Private, In-Home Tutoring in Derby, Kansas
Certified Educators
Personalized Learning
1-on-1 Instruction
Flexible Scheduling
Bi-weekly Progress Reports
Derby, Kansas Tutoring Programs
Get started with SchoolTutoring Academy's tutoring programs for Derby, Kansas students.
Derby District and Curriculum
USD 260 follows the Kansas College and Career Ready Common Core Standards. Teachers and Instructional Coordinators work collaboratively to integrate the curriculum, select appropriate instructional materials that allow differentiation for all students, incorporate research-based teaching strategies, and create authentic student assessments. While students are expected to perform to proficiency standards on statewide assessments, the projects and exams designed by classroom teachers also measure student progress in meeting the learning goals.
We currently cover the following Derby-area school district: Derby Public Schools.
Educating Our Parents: Understanding the Derby District Curriculum
By developing learning opportunities rooted in these research-based standards, the district ensure that all students, regardless of age or school of attendance, will receive a comparable education that prepares them for a successful future. To enhance the educational options at all levels, different schools offer different programs for interested students. Project Lead the Way, an innovative engineering and mathematics curriculum, is offered to elementary students to build interest in this career area.
Although core academics is the primary emphasis in learning, in high school the curriculum fans out into Career Pathways which are offered in high school to allow students to pursue career interest areas in law enforcement, accounting, fine arts, engineering, interior design, and architecture. Providing students with ample opportunities to work with emerging technologies is also emphasized. Also offered are special programs such as Junior ROTC and the Kansas 61st, a program in community service.

Our Derby, Kansas tutoring programs are personalized just for you
Our instructors hail from Harvard, Stanford, Duke and other top institutions
Keeping Informed: Recent Derby Educational News
- Cooper Breakfast Club - Cooper Elementary recently held its monthly Cooper Breakfast Club (CBC) for staff and student families. Families are invited once a month to have breakfast with their children prior to the school day. The Breakfast Club encourages family and parental involvement in school and builds community among parents, teachers, and students.
- SAFE Program - The Derby Police Department has incorporated the Seatbelts Are For Everyone (SAFE) program to motivate teenagers to wear their seatbelts through positive motivation. Students who sign the pledge at Derby High School have the chance to win a $25 gift card every month. The program was created to bring awareness to seatbelt use in efforts to reduce fatalities and injuries among high school students.
- Robo Panthers News - Derby High School’s Robo Panthers recently participated in the annual Kansas BEST (Boosting Engineering, Science and Technology) Robotics Competition. The competition was created to inspire students towards careers in engineering, science, and technology. Derby High students worked with community mentors for over 6 weeks to design a robot using a 12-step process in which they encountered problems and challenges faced by real-life engineers and then worked cooperatively to find solutions through trial and error.
Derby Tutors Can Help Your Student Succeed
SchoolTutoring Academy works with young learners and students, all the way up through high school. We offer Pre-K and Kindergarten Tutoring as well as Elementary School Tutoring to build a strong learning foundation early on. We also offer comprehensive tutoring across all school subjects.
Chalk Talk: Choosing the Right Extracurricular Activities
Opportunities for children to “get involved” are abundant, from numerous sports to music lessons. Helping your child to find the best fit can be quite time consuming, but well worth it in the end. As your child grows and discovers the world, pay close attention to areas in which s/he excels or shows a particular interest. At an early age, your child may exhibit an athletic or artistic talent. Nurture that talent by encouraging participation frequently, even if it isn’t necessarily a talent of yours. Introducing your child to mentors outside of your home who also have a passion for that activity is important as it will allow the skill or interest to develop even more fully. Also take the time to introduce your child to a wide variety of activities. You may find that your child is an expert Lego engineer or yearns to act after seeing a play at the local theater. After listening to a band, your child may show an interest in learning how to play an instrument or taking voice lessons. By paying attention to areas of strength and interest from an early age, you will help your child to find their niche and experience continued success.