Tutoring Programs
Private, In-Home Tutoring in Douglas, Georgia
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Douglas, Georgia Tutoring Programs
Get started with SchoolTutoring Academy's tutoring programs for Douglas, Georgia students.
Douglas District and Curriculum
Students living in Douglas attend the Coffee County School System. Curriculum follows College and Career Georgia Performance Standards, concepts and skills within core subjects. The CCGPS for English Language Arts, Mathematics, and Literacy in Science, History and Social Studies, and Technical subjects ensures that all students have the instruction necessary in mastering skills and knowledge needed for success beyond high school. There are also programs in the fine and performing arts that help students develop their creative abilities.
We currently cover the following Douglas-area school district: Coffee County School System.
Educating Our Parents: Understanding the Douglas District Curriculum
The Mathematics curriculum focuses on concepts, skills, and problem solving. Instruction involves rigorous concept development and real-world applications with a continued emphasis on computational and procedural skills. At all grade levels, students are encouraged to reason mathematically, to evaluate mathematical arguments both formally and informally, to use math language needed to communicate ideas and information precisely, and to make connections between math topics and other disciplines.
In the English Language Arts curriculum, students learn and demonstrate critical reading skills necessary to isolate accurate information found in print and digital format. Instruction involves engaging students with high-quality literary and informational texts to build their reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. Besides these core subjects, students have the opportunity to take courses related to their career interests as well.

Our Douglas, Georgia tutoring programs are personalized just for you
Our instructors hail from Harvard, Stanford, Duke and other top institutions
Keeping Informed: Recent Douglas Educational News
- Heritage Station Museum - The Heritage Station Museum is more than just a train depot. Originally the Georgia and Florida Railroad stop, the museum is now home to a collection of artifacts showing the history of Coffee County. Exhibits of train memorabilia and military, agricultural and African-American items are always on display, showing the connection between Coffee County and the railroad industry, including local business collections as well related to the industry. The Heritage Station Museum gives families and visitors a look into the history and heritage of Coffee County.
- General Coffee State Park - General Coffee State Park is more than just a large park. Visitors can not only enjoy the hiking, camping, boating and picnicking, but also make into a fun educational experience. Located within the park, The Heritage Farm holds a petting and feeding zoo, with donkeys, pigs and goats, as well as log cabins, corn crib and cane mill. Visitors can also take advantage of the large number of horseback riding trails as another way to wander around the area and see the sights. Programs for families, school trips are also offered at General Coffee State Park.
- New College and Career Ready Standards - In accordance to the adoption of Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in English Language Arts and Mathematics and existing Georgia Performance Standards (GPS), Georgia’s state-mandated set of standards - College and Career Ready Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS) – will now have new assessments to measure student learning of the standards. Beginning the 2014-15 school year, new assessments aligned to the CCGPS will be used to gauge how well students are mastering the standards and their progress toward college and careers.
Douglas Tutors Can Help Your Student Succeed
SchoolTutoring Academy works with young learners and students, all the way up through high school. We offer Pre-K and Kindergarten Tutoring as well as Elementary School Tutoring to build a strong learning foundation early on. We also offer comprehensive tutoring across all school subjects.
Chalk Talk: What College and Career Readiness Mean
As students learn under recently adopted standards, the way your child learns can change. Instruction changes to accommodate the new concepts, or way in which concepts are taught, and new assessments are created to measure student progress. Student learning may be more advanced or adjusted. The intention is to prepare students for skills needed in college – such as problem solving, reasoning, critical thinking and analysis. Students are going to expected to apply these skills in and out of the classroom - everyday activities they would be involved in during a career. Demonstration on tests and quizzes will require students providing support for their answer with reasons and/or evidence. As your child progress to the next grade level, learn what concepts will be taught and the real-world application the concepts could be applicable to. By understanding what your child will be learning and how they will be expected to demonstrate can benefit your student even more. School websites, educational services and online resources can provide additional information to help you, as well as the material your child’s teacher will provide you every school year.