Tutoring Programs
Private, In-Home Tutoring in Easton, Massachusetts
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Easton, Massachusetts Tutoring Programs
Get started with SchoolTutoring Academy's tutoring programs for Easton, Massachusetts students.
Easton District and Curriculum
Easton Public Schools consist of six schools and just over 3,900 students. There are three primary schools with grades K-2, an elementary school with grades 3-5, a middle school, and a high school. Easton’s vision is for students to be confident, creative, and motivated individuals and learners who reach their full potential in a global society and value human diversity. In English, math, and science, students may follow a regular, honors, or college-ready sequence in their coursework.
We currently cover the following Easton-area school district: Easton Public Schools.
Educating Our Parents: Understanding the Easton District Curriculum
At the high school level, Easton Public Schools integrate the three elements of language—the practical (communication), the hortatory (persuasion through multiple genres), and the literacy (the desire to portray the experience of the literature)—in all of its English classes. All students will write at least once weekly, both formally and informally, with those in higher level courses writing more frequently.
Some of the principles of the high school’s math instruction are the importance of technology in math, how valuable collaboration in math is, and that learning math is a lifelong process. Embedded in the math standards are problem solving, communication, reasoning, connections, and representations. The five strands involved are number sense and operations, algebra, geometry, measurement, and statistics and probability. Students are expected to validate their mathematical thinking, explore ideas, have discussions, and represent their mathematical ideas as they are guided by their teachers, who question, listen, and clarify.
Our Easton, Massachusetts tutoring programs are personalized just for you
Our instructors hail from Harvard, Stanford, Duke and other top institutions
Keeping Informed: Recent Easton Educational News
- Easton School Awarded for Recycling - The Olmstead-Richardson School was awarded as the 2013-14 MA School Recycler of the Year by the Northeast Resource Recovery Association. The school is extremely dedicated to its recycling and energy-saving efforts and creating awareness throughout the whole school through an Energy Patrol that spends its recesses and after-school hours making sure that the lights are turned off and electronic devices unplugged, a monthly Recycling Newsletter created by the Eco Committee.
- Easton Middle School Receives Donation - The Easton Hannaford Supermarket—through its Hannaford Helps Schools program—recently donated $1,000 to Easton Middle School. Recipients can use the money to purchase any items that the students need, from computers to playground equipment. In 2014, Hannaford gave out over $500,000 to schools across New England and New York.
- Two Easton Students’ Artwork Recognized by Congress - Two students from Oliver Ames High School were awarded in the 2014 Congressional Art Competition from the 4th District of Massachusetts by Congressman Joe Kennedy III. One of those students won “Best in Show” and will see her piece displayed in the Capitol for a year. The other talented artist created a spot-on painting of President Obama and won in the “Painting” category.
Easton Tutors Can Help Your Student Succeed
SchoolTutoring Academy works with young learners and students, all the way up through high school. We offer Pre-K and Kindergarten Tutoring as well as Elementary School Tutoring to build a strong learning foundation early on. We also offer comprehensive tutoring across all school subjects.
Chalk Talk: Essentials for the Classroom
Teachers look at their classrooms as a canvas that they can fill in how they would like to. Of course, in many classrooms, there will be bulletin boards, wall displays, chalk or whiteboards, and the like, but what are some essentials that all teachers should have in their classroom? It is impossible to keep out all germs, but having items such as Kleenex and hand sanitizers can help. Kleenex are a must for when students have the sniffles and nosebleeds, and teachers should encourage students to regularly use hand sanitizer. In elementary classrooms, sometimes teachers create a student job in which a particular child goes around and gives everyone a squirt of hand sanitizer at certain points of the day. Kleenex are a popular item on school supply lists, and it would be great to already have 20-something boxes in stock at the beginning of the year. It would be beneficial to keep a roll of paper towels in the room so that any messes can be cleaned up quickly; of course, children should be taught to be responsible so such messes are avoided.