Tutoring Programs
Private, In-Home Tutoring in Harper Woods, Michigan
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Harper Woods, Michigan Tutoring Programs
Get started with SchoolTutoring Academy's tutoring programs for Harper Woods, Michigan students.
Harper Woods District and Curriculum
The Harper Woods School District’s curriculum is based on the educational standards set by the Michigan Department of Education. The Michigan Merit Curriculum is comprehensive and provides a clear progression of learning from elementary to high school. In late middle and high school, there is also an emphasis on college and career ready standards which focus on using technological tools effectively, employing argument and reasoning to conduct research, communicating and collaborating with different groups of people, and finding solutions and explaining one’s reasoning. The college and career ready standards are also embedded in all subject area expectations.
We currently cover the following Harper Woods-area school district: Harper Woods School District.
Educating Our Parents: Understanding the Harper Woods District Curriculum
Students at Harper Woods School District are exposed to the world of reading and writing through the English language arts curriculum. Through this subject, the students discover how to create plot diagrams, find themes, location and characters throughout a work of fiction. They also learn how to recognize bias and purpose in non-fiction works so that they can be strong, critical readers in all content areas. The writing curriculum focuses on writing for different purposes, language and grammar, and the development of voice.
The science curriculum at Harper Woods School District includes the subjects of biology, chemistry, physics, ecology and more. In each of these subject areas the students begin by looking at objects from a general perspective. So students would look at rocks from their exterior, using words that describe what they can with their senses. They then go on to look at items more closely. In the case of rocks they discover what materials make up the rock and what processes they rock went through to become the item they are looking at.

Our Harper Woods, Michigan tutoring programs are personalized just for you
Our instructors hail from Harvard, Stanford, Duke and other top institutions
Keeping Informed: Recent Harper Woods Educational News
- National Honor Society - National Honor Society was organized to honor students who are excellent examples to others. Some of the criteria looked at before being accepted are excellence in academics, service, character and leadership. Each prospective member is chosen by their peers or by faculty members.
- FFA Organization - FFA is open to every student that has an interest in any of the many areas that are covered under agriculture. These include areas such as art, marketing, and business, as well as raising animals and crops. Each of the members grow in leadership, personal growth and their options with their future career goals.
- Speech and Debate - Speech and Debate introduces students to public speaking. While participating in practices and competitions, each member gains self-confidence in their speaking abilities and in self. The students have a wide range of areas to compete in, either alone or as a small group. Some of the areas include Parliamentary speaking, extemporaneous speaking and Lincoln-Douglas debates.
Harper Woods Tutors Can Help Your Student Succeed
SchoolTutoring Academy works with young learners and students, all the way up through high school. We offer Pre-K and Kindergarten Tutoring as well as Elementary School Tutoring to build a strong learning foundation early on. We also offer comprehensive tutoring across all school subjects.
Chalk Talk: What to Expect on the ACT
When preparing for the ACT it is helpful to have a general idea of what to expect. The ACT tests a student’s knowledge of grammar, usage, punctuation, diction and rhetoric. They also look to see if a student can distinguish between words that are commonly confused. This test also tests math skills such as arithmetic, geometry and algebra. As long as a student has had two semesters of algebra, two of geometry and general math they should have a good knowledge base to draw from. Next is reading. It is expected that a student can read a passage in a short time and then answer questions. The science questions generally look at chemistry, biology, botany, physics and other sciences. Even if a student has not had these classes they probably have enough knowledge to do well. As far as a writing portion, the ACT is not looking for perfection, instead they look at the thesis, organization and support of an idea.