Tutoring Programs
Private, In-Home Tutoring in Heber Springs, Arkansas
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Heber Springs, Arkansas Tutoring Programs
Get started with SchoolTutoring Academy's tutoring programs for Heber Springs, Arkansas students.
Heber Springs District and Curriculum
Heber Springs School District contains three schools and 1,700 students. Its mission is to help all students reach their potential, including being successful in society. The district values its partnership with students’ families and the communities in achieving its mission. They have implemented Common Core Standards in Math and Language Arts and use a statewide standards-based curriculum in other subject areas. Schools supplement these courses through electives and extracurriculars that students can participate in to enhance their education.
We currently cover the following Heber Springs-area school district: Heber Springs School District.
Educating Our Parents: Understanding the Heber Springs District Curriculum
Heber Springs Elementary School has been designated as a “School of Excellence Achieving School” by the Arkansas Department of Education. Students attending this school have abundant access to technology. Those in grades 1-5 utilize the web-based Renaissance Learning Programs to enhance their math and reading skills. Children in grades K-2 regularly use tablets and laptops, while each student in grades 3-5 has a personal Google Chrome Book and every classroom has an interactive white board.
Technology is emphasized both as a teaching tool but also as a subject for students to learn about. Students learn how to work with computers and use different types of software for different goals. Math classes may teach students to work with spreadsheets and in Language Arts, students use word processing software which they will eventually use in many college and career tasks. There are also computer programming and web design courses and extracurriculars in the area of technology for students to join.
Our Heber Springs, Arkansas tutoring programs are personalized just for you
Our instructors hail from Harvard, Stanford, Duke and other top institutions
Keeping Informed: Recent Heber Springs Educational News
- Heber Springs Honors Former Student Athletes - Superior athletes who graduated from Heber Springs High School now have the opportunity to be recognized through the Heber Springs Athletic Den of Honor. Athletes who played team sports must have reached at least all-state level and attended Heber Springs during their eleventh and twelfth grade years. Coaches who coached a sport at least four years in the district and maintained a .500 record or better are also eligible and do not have to have attended school in the district.
- Heber Springs Senior Represents Arkansas in National Medical Conference - A senior at Heber Springs High School was nominated to attend the Congress of Future Medical Leaders in Washington, DC. He was nominated on the basis of his outstanding academic achievements, leadership abilities, and dedication to a future in the medical field. During the three-day conference, he and other students from across the country learned about advances in medical research, were given advice from medical school deans, were inspired by patients who experienced medical miracles, and more.
- Career Focus - To help soon-to-graduate students in finding work opportunities after graduation, the high school has an area focused on career searches. They have links to job databases, local search networks, training opportunities for high-tech work and statewide resources to help residents find quality employment.
Heber Springs Tutors Can Help Your Student Succeed
SchoolTutoring Academy works with young learners and students, all the way up through high school. We offer Pre-K and Kindergarten Tutoring as well as Elementary School Tutoring to build a strong learning foundation early on. We also offer comprehensive tutoring across all school subjects.
Chalk Talk: The Importance of Using Literature in all Content Areas
Literature can and should be used to enhance everything students learn, not just material that is taught in English class. There is a wide array of books and other types of reading material that can effectively be used to support instruction in science, math, and social studies. For instance, if students are learning about the Holocaust, 'The Diary of Anne Frank' should be available to them. Teachers should create literature notebooks that list texts and their descriptions that relate to topics that they teach throughout the year. These books can be added to the classroom library and pulled when specific content is being taught. Teachers can use various types of texts at different levels, including picture books, magazines, newspapers, comics or graphic novels, etc. School librarians can help in building literature collections for different topics. It is up to teachers to decide whether or not the literature will actually be used in the lessons or if it will just be available for students to read during their own time. Either way, teachers should always possess grade-appropriate literature that supplements the curriculum.