Tutoring Programs
Private, In-Home Tutoring in Los Lunas, New Mexico
Certified Educators
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1-on-1 Instruction
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Bi-weekly Progress Reports
Los Lunas, New Mexico Tutoring Programs
Get started with SchoolTutoring Academy's tutoring programs for Los Lunas, New Mexico students.
Los Lunas District and Curriculum
The Los Lunas School District is dedicated to providing a high quality education with a personalized approach. The district focuses on students becoming literate in academic core subjects. In addition to academics, the district also has a strong co-curricular and extra-curricular program ensuring that students graduate with a well rounded background. The Los Lunas School District is the only district in the state of New Mexico to achieve the District Accreditation from NCA CASI.
We currently cover the following Los Lunas-area school district: Los Lunas School District.
Educating Our Parents: Understanding the Los Lunas District Curriculum
The Los Lunas School District is actively implementing the Common Core Curriculum Framework which was mandated by the State of New Mexico. Common Core helps ensure that students receive the same excellent education no matter which school they are enrolled in. The standards apply specifically to English and Language Arts and Math but the level of literacy is carried out in all academic courses and emphasized in scientific and technological literacy.
In English and Language Arts, students are taught how to read, listen, speak and write using correct English. Students learn to develop their critical analysis skills so they can discuss and write about their reading material. Reading material includes both English literature and informational text. In Mathematics the focus is on developing fluency in a finite number of subjects including computation, algebra, geometry, measurement, statistics and probability. Students learn to apply what they have learned to real life situations.
Our Los Lunas, New Mexico tutoring programs are personalized just for you
Our instructors hail from Harvard, Stanford, Duke and other top institutions
Keeping Informed: Recent Los Lunas Educational News
- Golf Tournament - A golf tournament was held recently as a fundraiser for the Los Lunas Schools Renaissance Program. The one day tournament was held at the Tanoan Country Club with proceeds going to Renaissance Program. The Renaissance Program is a national initiative that is geared at motivating students to achieve academically and to inspire teachers to improve performance.
- Swim Program - The Los Lunas High School provided swimming pool lessons over the summer for students and their families. The lessons were taught over two week sessions and included individual and group lessons for children and swimming classes for parents and infants. At the end of each session each child received a swimming certificate based on the level of swimming skill.
- Football Camp - The Los Lunas High School recently offered a two day football camp for youth football players. The camp offered young people the opportunity to learn tiger football and get to play both offensive and defensive football. Participants learned the basics of football and the development of specialty skills.
Los Lunas Tutors Can Help Your Student Succeed
SchoolTutoring Academy works with young learners and students, all the way up through high school. We offer Pre-K and Kindergarten Tutoring as well as Elementary School Tutoring to build a strong learning foundation early on. We also offer comprehensive tutoring across all school subjects.
Chalk Talk: Resources for Budding Astronomers
If you are looking for some advice and clearly laid out tips for parenting be sure to visit the New Mexico Public Education website on positive parenting. In ten easy to understand tips, the website provides information on how to parent successfully including celebrating positive effort, using discipline not punishment to teach children responsible behavior, always distinguishing between the child and their behavior when disciplining, and taking time to listen to children and trying to get them to openly discuss their feelings. The site has a simple list of parenting tools that could help make the difference in how we parent our children.