Tutoring Programs
Private, In-Home Tutoring in Madison, New Jersey
Certified Educators
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Madison, New Jersey Tutoring Programs
Get started with SchoolTutoring Academy's tutoring programs for Madison, New Jersey students.
Madison District and Curriculum
The Madison Public Schools are charged with the education of K-12 students in Madison, New Jersey. Students in the district number nearly 2,300, and attend one of three elementary schools, one middle school or one high school in the district. The mission of the district is to challenge each student to find their passion for lifelong learning, and to empower each student to be knowledgeable and skillful such that they can be successful in whatever they do. This mission is achieved through individual support for students, collaborative relationships with parents and the community, and a dedication to delivering high-quality lessons.
We currently cover the following Madison-area school district: Madison Public Schools.
Educating Our Parents: Understanding the Madison District Curriculum
With engaging, relevant and challenging learning experiences, students expand their minds and explore their interests in a variety of subject areas. Standards for measuring progress have been established in a number of content areas, including science, math, language arts, social studies, health and physical education, the arts, 21st Century life and careers, technology, and world languages.
The world languages curriculum provides students an opportunity to learn a foreign language and improve their understanding and knowledge of other cultures and traditions. Students in the elementary grades undertake the study of Spanish, where they learn to recognize, read, and speak words, numbers and simple Spanish phrases. Once students are in middle school, they can choose to continue their study of Spanish, or they may choose to study French, Italian or Chinese. Study of these languages involves an emphasis on reading, writing, speaking and listening in the language of choice, including proper pronunciation, grammatical structure and conversational dialogue.
Our Madison, New Jersey tutoring programs are personalized just for you
Our instructors hail from Harvard, Stanford, Duke and other top institutions
Keeping Informed: Recent Madison Educational News
- Enrichment Grants - The Madison Education Foundation has given over $121,000 to the Madison Public Schools. The money will be used to fund enrichment programs and innovative teaching tools.
- Enrichment Program Offered - The Madison Public Schools offers enrichment programs at each of the three elementary schools in the district. The purpose of the programs is to meet the diverse interests, needs and abilities of district students.
- Elementary School Singapore Math Program - The district is broadening their early math education program by introducing elements of the Singapore Math teaching system which uses a different approach from texts to classroom practice. With this change, the district is also providing informational sessions for parents to understand how this will impact early math education.
Madison Tutors Can Help Your Student Succeed
SchoolTutoring Academy works with young learners and students, all the way up through high school. We offer Pre-K and Kindergarten Tutoring as well as Elementary School Tutoring to build a strong learning foundation early on. We also offer comprehensive tutoring across all school subjects.
Chalk Talk: The Importance of Public Speaking
Being a good public speaker has many benefits beyond being able to communicate effectively. People who speak well in front of groups large or small have increased self-confidence. By working on your communication skills, you will gain confidence when speaking to groups as well as individuals. Public speakers are also more comfortable around other people, whether in a group setting or one-on-one, because they have the skills to actively listen, think on their feet, and read people’s reactions to what they are saying. And although most people rank public speaking as their greatest fear, many people will have to do it at some point in their lives, whether in school or at work. Practicing speaking skills now will give you an advantage later in life over others who are afraid to speak up.