Tutoring Programs

Private, In-Home Tutoring in Malahide, Ontario

  • Certified Educators

  • Personalized Learning

  • 1-on-1 Instruction

  • Flexible Scheduling

  • Bi-weekly Progress Reports

Malahide, Ontario Tutoring Programs

Get started with SchoolTutoring Academy's tutoring programs for Malahide, Ontario students.

Malahide District and Curriculum

SchoolTutoring Academy’s tutoring programs for Malahide students start with a ACADEMIC ASSESSMENT with an Academic Director. Call us now for a personalized quote! Our services include regular one-on-one tutoring, academic mentorship, bi-weekly progress reports, learning profiles and parental conference calls.

Malahide District Curriculum Used in Our In-Home Tutoring Programs

The students in Malahide learn under the framework provided by the Ontario Curriculum, which uses both a standards-based and student-centered approach to instruction. The standards represent the knowledge, strategies and skills, underlying concepts, and principles which students will learn each year in each subject. The student-centered orientation of the curriculum emerges with the options for learning available to students. There are programs focused to help students with a diversity of interests and talents to find an academic and/or career path that is ideally suited for them. These programs are designed to help students realize the extensive opportunities available to them at college and to prepare them for their future academic success.

We currently cover the following Malahide-area school districts: Thames Valley District School Board, London District Catholic School Board.

Educating Our Parents: Understanding the Malahide District Curriculum

The Language offerings support the cultural awareness, communication and literacy abilities of students, which is increasingly important in the global environment. English teaches students what it means to read, write, listen, and speak critically. The writing curriculum emphasizes a process approach whereby students brainstorm, write, edit and revise, then present a final piece of work. The skills of analytic thought and clear written expression are skills students work on developing each year, and which mastery of is considered essential.

The core courses of Math, Science, English, History, Languages, and Social Studies all bring about critical thinking skills and conceptual foundations essential to student learning. Learners also become adept at evaluating the outcomes of decisions made using probability. Math and Science teach students the problem-solving and process-oriented methods required for areas like medicine, technology, and engineering. In History and Social Studies students develop an understanding of the world, its history, politics, institutions, and cultures.

Our Malahide, Ontario tutoring programs are personalized just for you

Our instructors hail from Harvard, Stanford, Duke and other top institutions


Keeping Informed: Recent Malahide Educational News

  • Build a Pathway - The Guidance and Career Education Department of the Thames Valley District offers students a 'Build a Pathway' tool which they can use to explore the options available to them and the requirements for graduating in pursuit of that goal. Students may learn about opportunities available to them they were unaware of and capitalize on the potential.
  • Environmental Program - The Environmental Programs of the Thames Valley District offer a diverse number of options for student learning. There are a number of specific and advanced courses developed, opportunities for students to develop a sense of environmental responsibility, community-wide initiatives, projects and events to participate in, and resources for students and community members to read up on or use in a research project.
  • International Languages Secondary Programs - Students attending LDCSB during high school have the opportunity for advanced study in Mandarin, Greek, Polish, and Portugese. Along with traditional Language offerings provided in the schools, this course of study allows students to become fluent in multiple language, truly preparing them to enter a global workforce.

Malahide Tutors Can Help Your Student Succeed

SchoolTutoring Academy works with young learners and students, all the way up through high school. We offer Pre-K and Kindergarten Tutoring as well as Elementary School Tutoring to build a strong learning foundation early on. We also offer comprehensive tutoring across all school subjects.

Chalk Talk: Celebrating Birthdays in the Classroom

Students' birthdays are commonly celebrated in elementary classrooms. Students often receive candy from the teacher and bring in a treat for all their classmates. In today's classrooms, they may have to bring in healthy snacks, or the teacher may have to obtain permission from the parents to allow their children to eat treats brought into school. In primary school classrooms, teachers may have the birthday boy or girl be in charge of calendar time since it is that student's special day. In classrooms with older students, the teacher may award the birthday boy or girl with a reward such as a homework pass, a special extra credit assignment, or the permission to throw out an assignment from his/her grade; the teacher may provide the student with a choice between these and other rewards. The teacher can choose alternative dates to celebrate summer and weekend birthdays.