Tutoring Programs
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Mansfield, Ohio Tutoring Programs
Get started with SchoolTutoring Academy's tutoring programs for Mansfield, Ohio students.
Mansfield District and Curriculum
Common Core State Standards are at the heart of Ohio’s New Learning Standards which is the curriculum followed by the school districts in Mansfield, OH. Instead of having a very broad curriculum with a large number of objectives, the Ohio Learning Standards are more concentrated, with fewer objectives. These essential standards are expected to be covered in more depth. The process of learning, the actual content, and the products resulting from this more rigorous instruction are varied and more complex.
We currently cover the following Mansfield-area school districts: Madison Local School District, Mansfield City Schools and Ontario Local School District.
Educating Our Parents: Understanding the Mansfield District Curriculum
The Common Core State Standards include Mathematics and English/Language Arts objectives currently. The State of Ohio is working to include Science and Social Studies standards. In Mathematics, the emphasis is not on the drilling of basic fact. The Standards focus more on the mathematical processes and include the operations as well. Processes which are emphasized include problem solving, mathematical reasoning, making educated guesses and testing them, communicating work process, and building mathematical models.
In English/Language Arts, non-fiction reading is more prominent within a variety of types of readings. Again, the process of thinking is key in the Common Core State Standards. Students are are expected to learn strategies to analyze, examine, and critique what they read to build a knowledge base. Students are expected to demonstrate understanding of the content standards through a variety of means including writings, multi-media presentations, and visual art.
Our Mansfield, Ohio tutoring programs are personalized just for you
Our instructors hail from Harvard, Stanford, Duke and other top institutions
Keeping Informed: Recent Mansfield Educational News
- Beginning Anew Conference - Phil DeVol, a consultant from Marengo, Ohio presented information about children and families in poverty and how to reach them and communicate with them. This was part of a series of sessions called the “Beginning Anew Conference” which enlightened educators and community leaders on new strategies for working with old problems. Mansfield City Schools is the host for this conference and it was stated that the theme was “creating a climate for change.” District leaders want to have the designation “Excellence with Distinction” and are exploring alternative avenues for affecting change.
- Academic Excellence - Madison Local School District received the Ohio Department of Education designation of “Excellent.” This distinction is based on four performance measures including state indicators, the performance index, adequate yearly progress, and value-added measures. Madison Local met 18 of 26 state indicators, had a performance index of 94.4 out of 120, and met or exceeded 7 out of 10 value-added measures.
- Reality Store - The application of learning became evident as eighth grade students participated in their own reality show called the Reality Store. The eighth grade staff helped to plan and coordinate the event and students looked 25 years into the future to observe how they would be living. Each student had career assessments and set career goals. Based on this information, students were assigned jobs with paychecks, job descriptions, levels of education, types of debt including credit cards and student loans, and number of children in the family. Tables were set up to indicate banks, stores, and other vendors where they spent their money for necessities and/or luxuries.
Mansfield Tutors Can Help Your Student Succeed
SchoolTutoring Academy works with young learners and students, all the way up through high school. We offer Pre-K and Kindergarten Tutoring as well as Elementary School Tutoring to build a strong learning foundation early on. We also offer comprehensive tutoring across all school subjects.
Chalk Talk: What Are Conjunctions?
A conjunction is a word that is used to join parts of sentences together—a word that connects or conjoins parts of a sentence. Simple conjunctions are called coordinating conjunctions. Examples of these are as follows: and, but, or, yet, for, nor, so. These conjunctions can join lists of items or can join two independent clauses together.