Tutoring Programs

Private, In-Home Tutoring in Maryville, Tennessee

  • Certified Educators

  • Personalized Learning

  • 1-on-1 Instruction

  • Flexible Scheduling

  • Bi-weekly Progress Reports

Maryville, Tennessee Tutoring Programs

Get started with SchoolTutoring Academy's tutoring programs for Maryville, Tennessee students.

Maryville District and Curriculum

SchoolTutoring Academy’s tutoring programs for Maryville students start with a ACADEMIC ASSESSMENT with an Academic Director. Call us now for a personalized quote! Our services include regular one-on-one tutoring, academic mentorship, bi-weekly progress reports, learning profiles and parental conference calls.

Maryville District Curriculum Used in Our In-Home Tutoring Programs

The curriculum at Maryville City Schools is based on the Learning Criteria and Rigor/Relevance Framework model. This allows the school to create materials that encourage the students to become critical thinkers, problem-solvers, and responsible citizens. The district also uses Common Core and state-developed frameworks for core subject learning. This targets the key topics in each subject, like chemistry and physics in Science or geometry and data analysis in Math, and helps students increase the complexity of work they are able to do over their school years. At the high school, students are also encouraged to join sports and extracurricular groups to connect with activities they enjoy.

We currently cover the following Maryville-area school district: Maryville City Schools.

Educating Our Parents: Understanding the Maryville District Curriculum

Maryville’s science curriculum includes the study of biology, chemistry, physics and more. When taking science classes students are given the opportunity to understand the world around them. For instance, students examine concepts in life science, such as the process by which cells divide to create new cells. To make this possible they use a variety of styles of learning. Included are group discussions, laboratory investigations, collaborative problem-solving and developing scientific curiosity.

Part of the curriculum at Maryville City Schools includes the study of Government. By learning about the formation of the United States Government students learn how to think critically. They gain an understanding of the working of the government and the political systems throughout the United States. Students also develop an understanding of how particular economic ventures, such as manufacturing or agriculture, are dependent upon the available resources nearby. Learners explore how humans have modified and continue to change their physical environment to meet their needs.

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Our Maryville, Tennessee tutoring programs are personalized just for you

Our instructors hail from Harvard, Stanford, Duke and other top institutions


Keeping Informed: Recent Maryville Educational News

  • National Honor Society - National Honor Society, or NHS, is designed to honor students that demonstrate character, community service, leadership and academic achievement. Students that are chosen by their peers or faculty, are expected to continue showing these traits in the school and community as the take part in service projects.
  • FFA Organization - FFA, or Future Farmers of America, is open for students that are in the Agriculture program. The members share the knowledge and skills they have with each other. Experts in the field also come to meetings to share their knowledge to help each member have success in fulfilling their dreams. The members also are encouraged to participate in competitions.
  • Speech and Debate Club - Speech and Debate introduces students to different public speaking and debate categories and helps them improve their public presentation skills. Students may compete in extemporaneous speech, Lincoln-Douglass style debates, and many other events.

Maryville Tutors Can Help Your Student Succeed

SchoolTutoring Academy works with young learners and students, all the way up through high school. We offer Pre-K and Kindergarten Tutoring as well as Elementary School Tutoring to build a strong learning foundation early on. We also offer comprehensive tutoring across all school subjects.

Chalk Talk: Making Homework a Team Effort

Helping a child with homework is one way for a parent to insure that a child succeeds. One way to help is to keep in communication with the teacher. This could be as simple as the parent and the teacher initialing a student planner to make sure the student has or has done their assignments. The child is responsible for making sure the adults see the planner and for bringing the materials needed to complete their assignment. Another way to help a child is to check over the homework when they are done and then to remind them to place all materials in their book bag for school. With these few steps, the child is well on their way to success.