Tutoring Programs

Private, In-Home Tutoring in Melfort, Saskatchewan

  • Certified Educators

  • Personalized Learning

  • 1-on-1 Instruction

  • Flexible Scheduling

  • Bi-weekly Progress Reports

Melfort, Saskatchewan Tutoring Programs

Get started with SchoolTutoring Academy's tutoring programs for Melfort, Saskatchewan students.

Melfort District and Curriculum

SchoolTutoring Academy’s tutoring programs for Melfort students start with a ACADEMIC ASSESSMENT with an Academic Director. Call us now for a personalized quote! Our services include regular one-on-one tutoring, academic mentorship, bi-weekly progress reports, learning profiles and parental conference calls.

Melfort District Curriculum Used in Our In-Home Tutoring Programs

North East School Division is headquartered in Melfont and contains 21 total schools. The following schools are situated in Melfont: Brunswick, Maude Burke Elementary, MUCC, and Reynolds Central. The division is divided into five subdivisions. North East’s slogan is “education in a culture of excellence.” North East School Division uses the Saskatchewan Curriculum. The content areas that are highlighted are arts education, English language arts, health, math, physical education, the arts, science, and social studies. There are also language immersion programs, interdisciplinary studies, and career technical courses as well.

We currently cover the following Melfort-area school district: North East School Division.

Educating Our Parents: Understanding the Melfort District Curriculum

Each curricular area and grade level includes the following: the Aim & Goals, the Teaching, learning Outcomes for students, the Outcomes & Indicators that students met the outcomes, Other Useful Materials, and Resources. The Aim & Goals are broad statements that highlight what students are expected to be able to learn and do in each content area. In math, the Aim & Goals are in the areas of logical thinking, number sense, spatial sense, and mathematics as a human endeavor.

In addition to the division’s comprehensive education services, speech-language pathologists work directly with students with communication disorders, they have assisted with classroom lessons on language and literacy development, attended professional development sessions outside of the division and shared important information with student support service personnel and diversity education teachers, and trained early years educators on using reading and conversation to promote the building blocks of emergent literacy.

Our Melfort, Saskatchewan tutoring programs are personalized just for you

Our instructors hail from Harvard, Stanford, Duke and other top institutions


Keeping Informed: Recent Melfort Educational News

  • Seventh Grade Class Encourages Others to Vote for Their Fossil - The Royal Saskatchewan Museum is running a Saskatchewan fossil campaign, and a local fossil, Big Bert, is a candidate to become one of the province’s official emblems. Part of the campaign involves seventh grade classes from across the province making short videos explaining which fossil they think would best represent Saskatchewan, and Mr. Gray’s seventh graders from the Arborfield School will be one of the classes creating a video in favor of Big Bert.
  • NESD Celebrates 10th Anniversary, Promotes Bullying Prevention - North East School Division celebrated the 10th anniversary of its establishment and encouraged students to prevent bullying all in one event at the Maude Burke School. The community brought in Nashville country music recording artist Ryan Laird to the BiggerThanThat!™ Bullying Prevention & Youth Empowerment Campaign Tour. The singer discussed his own experience with being bullied in elementary school and overcoming this to chase his dream.
  • Speech-Language Pathologists Play Large Role in North East School Division - North East School Division’s speech-language pathologists (SLPs) have been spreading awareness of Better Hearing and Speech Month and reminding everyone of how important communication is for a child’s social and academic development. This is important because speech, language, and hearing disorders are among the most common disorders in children, and one in five teens are showing some degree of hearing loss, likely due to exposure to digital technology devices.

Melfort Tutors Can Help Your Student Succeed

SchoolTutoring Academy works with young learners and students, all the way up through high school. We offer Pre-K and Kindergarten Tutoring as well as Elementary School Tutoring to build a strong learning foundation early on. We also offer comprehensive tutoring across all school subjects.

Chalk Talk: Reading Reversal Miscues

When assessing students’ reading teachers are often tasked with keeping a running record of not only the errors students make while reading aloud but the types of errors. These reading errors are called miscues. The process of identifying the errors and keeping a running record is called miscue analysis. One type of miscue is a reversal miscue, which occurs either when a child reverses the order of words in a sentence or mixes up letters in the word itself (e.g.: from instead of form). Sometimes, the reversal of words within a sentence doesn't alter the meaning of the text, but other times, it greatly affects the grammar and leads to the child being confused about the meaning of the text. Very young children commonly make reversals within small, high-frequency words.