Tutoring Programs
Private, In-Home Tutoring in Middletown Township, New Jersey
Certified Educators
Personalized Learning
1-on-1 Instruction
Flexible Scheduling
Bi-weekly Progress Reports
Middletown Township, New Jersey Tutoring Programs
Get started with SchoolTutoring Academy's tutoring programs for Middletown Township, New Jersey students.
Middletown Township District and Curriculum
Middletown Township takes pride in being a “student-focused” community. It is Middletown’s mission to provide their students with a rigorous and relevant education that follows the New Jersey Core Curriculum State Standards. They work to motivate their students to become responsible and self-fulfilled citizens. Their mission is to fostering independence and self-determination for all students.
We currently cover the following Middletown Township-area school district: Middletown Township Public Schools.
Educating Our Parents: Understanding the Middletown Township District Curriculum
The English Language Arts curriculum of the schools in Middletown Township is in line with the New Jersey Common Core State Standards. On the elementary level, instruction focuses primarily on the core areas of reading, writing, listening, speaking and writing. These skills are integrated into the middle and high school ELA curriculum, along with literacy in the subject areas and technical subjects.
The Math curriculum is also in line with the State Standards. Math instruction on the elementary level focuses on Operations and Algebraic Thinking, Number and Operations in Base Ten, Measurement and Data, and Geometry. In middle school, math instruction is primarily Ratios and Proportional Relationships, The Number System, Expressions and Equations, Geometry and Statistics and Probability. In high school, students study Number and Quantity, Algebra, Functions, Geometry and Statistics and Probability and are expected to develop quantitative reasoning skills and the ability to communicate mathematical thought.
Our Middletown Township, New Jersey tutoring programs are personalized just for you
Our instructors hail from Harvard, Stanford, Duke and other top institutions
Keeping Informed: Recent Middletown Township Educational News
- Green Ribbon Cutting - Middletown High School welcomed the addition of an Environmental Water Bottle Filling Station with a green ribbon-cutting ceremony. The filling station allows students to fill their own personal water bottles, thereby cutting down on plastic trash.
- Academic Successes - Middletown’s two high schools received high marks on a performance report by the New Jersey Department of Education. The report rates districts on standardized test results, college and career readiness and graduation rates.
- Library Performance - Middletown High School’s Jazz Band and Drama Club performed at the Middletown Township Library. The Jazz Band performed in an event called “Teen Jazz Coffee House” and the Drama Club performed highlights from their musical, “Cabaret.”
Middletown Township Tutors Can Help Your Student Succeed
SchoolTutoring Academy works with young learners and students, all the way up through high school. We offer Pre-K and Kindergarten Tutoring as well as Elementary School Tutoring to build a strong learning foundation early on. We also offer comprehensive tutoring across all school subjects.
Chalk Talk: Ways to Make Reading Fun
Many children develop a love for books while they are young, especially if they are read to often. However, once they are required to read in school, these same children can begin to see reading as a chore. If parents keep reading as a fun activity, though, kids can continue their love affair with books. One way to make reading more entertaining is by putting your child in the story. Personalized books can be ordered or even created on your computer. Another way to turn kids on to reading is to make a special “reading spot” in your home. This can be a tent, kid-sized rocking chair or homemade fort. It is also fun to turn out the lights and read to your child by flashlight. If you are creative, you can think of many ways to make reading more of a game and less of a chore for you and your child.