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Montgomery, Alabama Tutoring Programs
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Montgomery District and Curriculum
Students in grades K-12 Montgomery Public Schools are educated within a curriculum consisting of Writing, Reading, Science, Social Studies, Mathematics, Music, Art, Technology, World Languages, and Physical Education. This curriculum, which is based on the standards of the State of Alabama, is taught by highly effective teachers, addresses equity and access for each student.
Montgomery Public Schools follows the Adding It Up: Helping Children Learn Mathematics, which is a program based on a multitude of math skills for the students to master. These skills are made up of adaptive and perceptive knowledge, demonstrating proficiency in the way to approach certain mathematical concepts, successfully undertaking concepts, processes, and associations, presenting fluency in measured procedures, and developing thinking strategies for problem-solving. Such abilities will help each pupil succeed in the world of mathematics.
The Language Arts curriculum of Montgomery Public Schools presents a vision of what it entails to be a literate person in our world today. This school system’s goals are to ensure every student has the ability to understand and appreciate many types of literature, both fiction and nonfiction. The Language Arts curriculum requires the students to be successful in comprehending a wide range of texts in all subject areas. Successful readers and writers have an appreciation for all literature; whether it be reading for pleasure or for learning. They are able to succeed in multiple disciplines because they are truly literate, well-rounded scholars.
We currently cover the following Montgomery-area school district: Montgomery Public Schools.
Schools in Montgomery include:
Forest Avenue Elementary School is located on 1700 W Fifth St, Montgomery, AL 36106, Forest Avenue Elementary School covers grades PreK-5 and can be contacted at 334-269-3673. Forest Avenue Elementary School was originally built in the 1920s. Since then, it has undergone multiple renovations to update and expand to accommodate more students. Forest Avenue Elementary school is a magnet school for academically accelerated learning. Students work one grade level ahead in math, reading, English, and spelling. In science and social studies, the curriculum is enhanced by out of classroom experiences such as field trips, lab experiences, and site visits. In addition to these subjects, students also take classes in physical education, computer technology, art and music. Located in the center courtyard of the school is the Living Science Lab, where there are gardens, a small fishpond, a turtle habitat, and a brick sidewalk. In a partnership with Troy University, Forest Avenue Elementary School also offers a Chinese Curriculum which begins in the third grade and helps to build the foundation to Chinese Language Classes at Baldwin Arts and Academics Magnet School and Loveless Academic Magnet Program. By getting out of the classroom, students are able to get real life experiences that can help them in the classroom and in future situations. For more information on how SchoolTutoring Academy can help your child with science and English Language Arts tutoring, please contact us.
Floyd Middle School is located on 215 Hall St, Montgomery, AL 36104, Floyd Middle School covers grades K-8 and can be contacted at 334-284-7130. Floyd Middle School is a magnet school for Mathematics, Science and Technology. Staff at the school aspire to teach students at higher levels of learning, and inspire lifelong learning and intellectual curiosity. Technology is also integrated in the curriculum. There are at least two computers in every classroom, and there are SMARTboards in many of the classrooms, as well as four computer labs. Three of the computer labs are used by classes, which include Medical Detectives, Business Tech, and Introduction to Technology. In addition to a strong academic program, students at the school also have the opportunity to participate in a variety of sports such as baseball, cheerleading, cross county and more. In 2011-2013, the school was named a “Making Middle Grades Work, National Pacesetter School”. It was one of the two Alabama schools to earn this distinction. Every year, students in Middle School are required to take the Alabama Reading and Math Test (AMRT). In 2012, 100% of the sixth grade students at Floyd Middle School met or exceeded the standards in reading, and 95% of students met or exceeded the standards in math. For more information on the English and Mathematics tutoring offered by SchoolTutoring Academy, please contact us.
Booker T. Washington Magnet High School is located on 3315 Hayneville Rd, Montgomery, AL 36108, Booker T. Washington Magnet High School covers grades 9-12 and can be contacted at 334-269-3617. The school first opened in 1865 as a primary school for Afriacan American Students. In 1956, Booker T. Washington High School became a high school. The school provides a magnet program for the arts. In 1996, it also gained more magnet programs, now being a Center for Advanced Technology, Academy for Careers in Law, Academy for Communication Arts, and Center for Air and Space studies. The mission of Booker T. Washington High School is to provide a safe, caring environment for students where they can be encouraged to become lifelong learners and productive citizens. National Awards and Recognition the school has received include an “A” score on the school’s report card by the Alabama Department of Education, a School Arts Achievement Award from the Alabama Alliance for Education in the Arts, Apple Distinguished Schools Award for Distinction in Technology Innovation, and more. After attending high school, many students make the decision to attend a postsecondary institution, as part of the application process, most students take the SAT or ACT tests. To help with this, SchoolTutoring Academy offers SAT and ACT test preparation tutoring sessions. For more information, please contact us.
Educating Our Parents: Understanding the Montgomery District Curriculum
The appreciation of science for all Alabama students is the aim of Montgomery Public Schools’ K-12 Science standards. In order for Alabama’s children to be successful, this accomplishment is important. Recognizing this, the new Alabama Course of Study: Science (Bulletin 2005, No. 20) details a more challenging and investigative approach to teaching basic and advanced science concepts.
The Social Studies/History curriculum of Montgomery Public Schools focuses on teaching the students how to philosophize and analyze in order to become productive citizens in our society. Having the knowledge and recognition of the past and present, an understanding of institutions, systems of politics and economics, and other sociological awareness help student in the global economy.

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Keeping Informed: Recent Montgomery Educational News
- MPS Gets Large Grant To Increase Social Work Services - Montgomery Public Schools has been granted a hefty $1,000,000 to better the social work services of the area. This grant was awarded by the U.S. Department of Education and will support the betterment of school counseling programs and the hiring of qualified mental-health professionals for the schools in the district.
- MPS Boasts 10 National Achievement Semi-Finalists - Ten MPS students were selected as being National Achievement Semifinalists and National Hispanic Scholars. Out of 160,000 students who applied throughout the nation, the final list of semifinalists is 1,600. This signifies the hard work and dedication of the students of MPS, as well as the students academic excellence.
- MPS Parent Teacher Magazine - MPS has a publication to support the parents and teachers of the community. Up-to-date information is included in this publication, which is designed to offer advice and keep all community members informed of issues and accolades in Montgomery County.
Montgomery Tutors Can Help Your Student Succeed
SchoolTutoring Academy works with young learners and students, all the way up through high school. We offer Pre-K and Kindergarten Tutoring as well as Elementary School Tutoring to build a strong learning foundation early on. We also offer comprehensive tutoring across all school subjects.
About Montgomery, Alabama
Montgomery is located in Montgomery County, Alabama. It was formed when two towns along the Alabama River merged in 1819. In 1846, the city became the capital of the state and in 1861, it also became the first capital of the Confederate States of America, until it then moved to Richmond, Virginia, later that year. During the civil rights movement, Montgomery was the site of major events and protests, helping to earn it the nickname “Birthplace of the Civil Rights Movement”. Today, the city is home to many of the state’s government agencies. There is also a large military presence in the state as it is the home of Maxwell Airforce Base.
The city of Montgomery is rich in history. Some of the cultural landmarks in the city include the Alabama State Capitol, First White House of the Confederacy, Alabama War Memorial, and the Alabama War Memorial. Montgomery was also the first city to have an electric streetcar system. Post secondary institutions located in the city include Alabama State University, Troy University, and Auburn University at Montgomery. There’s much to see and do in the city, from sightseeing to shopping, and dining, visitors to Montgomery will enjoy the city’s mix of rich history and modern conveniences.
In 2017, the population of Montgomery was 199,518, making it the second most populated city in the state of Alabama. 23.7% of the population was under 18, 26.2% of the population was between 18-34, 25.2% was 35-54, 12.1% was 55-64 and 12.9% was over the age of 65. The median household income in the city was $43,440 in 2017.
Dexter Parsonage Museum – Dr. Martin Luther King home
The Dexter Parsonage Museum preserves Martin Luther King’s home where he lived from September 1954 – February 1960 when he was a Pastor. The Parsonage was bombed multiple times during the fight for civil rights, but no one was injured. The museum includes an interpretive center, a gift shop, and an orientation room for viewing videos on Dr. King’s family and life. The exhibit in the interpretive center includes a timeline of photographs of the Dexter Pastors who lived in the Personage, unpublished photographs of Dr. King and Dexter Members, and historical accounts on the bombing of the Personage. The museum and house are a popular destination for school groups.
Rosa Parks Library and Museum
The Rosa Parks Library and Museum was created to honor the “Mother of the Civil Rights Movement”, Rosa Parks. It is located at Troy University in Montgomery, Alabama. In 1955, she helped spark the civil rights movement by refusing to give up her seat to a white man on the bus. The museum’s collection includes videos, artifacts, historical documents, a replica of the bus Rosa Parks sat in, and a life size statue of her. The museum also contains artifacts from the 1955 Montgomery Bus Boycott, which lasted from December 5, 1955 – December 20, 1956, the Monday after Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat. The Boycott eventually led to the United States Supreme Court ruling that segregated buses were unconstitutional.
Montgomery Zoo
The Montgomery Zoo covers 40 acres and includes 750 animals from 150 species. It is located on the North Side of the City. In 2007, the zoo was the location of the first ever African Elephant Birth in Alabama. In 2003, the Mann Wildlife Learning Museum opened, which features taxidermy displays focusing on native wildlife, game species, and resource management. The animals at the zoo are divided into exhibits based on where they live. There is an Australian exhibit, Asian exhibit, African exhibit, Southern American exhibit, and Northern American exhibit. The South America section is the original and oldest section in to zoo. It includes jaguars, sloth bears, squirrel monkeys, spider monkeys, and more. The Flight Cage and Reptile House are also found in this area.
Interesting Facts
- The 1965 March for Justice led by Dr. Martin L. King started in Selma and ended in the city of Montgomery.
- In 1902, the first open heart surgery was performed in the city by Dr. Luther Leonidas Hill, who had actually never operated on a living heart before this time. However, his patient miraculously survived the surgery!
- The motto of the city of Montgomery is “Capital of Dreams”.
- Montgomery, Alabama has one sister city: Pietrasanta in Italy.
Chalk Talk: Where to Study?
Staying focused is a large part of effective studying. Getting distracted can lead to breaks in productivity, and generally less effective studying as information is not as easily absorbed. Different people have different preferences for the environment where they study best. For example, some people like to study while listening to music, whereas for other people, they might like complete silence. Whether you enjoy a bit of background noise, or can’t stand any type of noise, choosing an appropriate place to study can help you get in the right mood for studying. Good places for studying can include libraries, empty classrooms, your bedroom, and more. Try looking for places around your school to study if you find you get too distracted while at home.