Tutoring Programs

Private, In-Home Tutoring in Morro Bay, California

  • Certified Educators

  • Personalized Learning

  • 1-on-1 Instruction

  • Flexible Scheduling

  • Bi-weekly Progress Reports

Morro Bay, California Tutoring Programs

Get started with SchoolTutoring Academy's tutoring programs for Morro Bay, California students.

Morro Bay District and Curriculum

The curriculum used in Morro Bay provides a framework the goals of the learning process inherent to each subject. The core subjects of English/Language Arts, and Math are taught so that students are able to maximize the advanced types of thinking associated with each subject.

We currently cover the following Morro Bay-area school district: San Luis Coastal Unified School District.

Educating Our Parents: Understanding the Morro Bay District Curriculum

The curriculum for English/Language Arts describes a series of literacy strategies and writing skills which support analytic thought and helps provides strategies to interpret and communicate ideas. Through the Math topics of number sense, geometry, algebraic functions and increasingly complex operations of math students gain problem-solving skills which are applicable to other content areas.

Technology is also central to the learning experience. Students it use technology for basic classroom functions and as they progress in their science and technology learning, the opportunity to innovate with technology is within the reach of all students. The ability to create and innovate is derived from the foundation taught through all core courses.

Our Morro Bay, California tutoring programs are personalized just for you

Our instructors hail from Harvard, Stanford, Duke and other top institutions


Morro Bay Area Educational News

  • News from MBHS - The principal of Morro Bay High School provides updates on events throughout the high school; one highlight from the past year which will impact the years to come was the award of a Digital High School Grant which has increased the uses of technology for learning.
  • Geological Time Tours - The students at Laguna Middle School are integrating art and technology into science learning. Students from one Science class have used self-created comics to depict the stories of different geological time periods. Check out this link for a quick science lesson!
  • Mock Trial at LMS - Students at the Middle School level are now able to participate in mock trials. A great deal of preparation and learning goes into this event which culminates with students participating in a trial scenario in which all students have a role to undertake.

Morro Bay Tutors Can Help Your Student Succeed

SchoolTutoring Academy works with young learners and students, all the way up through high school. We offer Pre-K and Kindergarten Tutoring as well as Elementary School Tutoring to build a strong learning foundation early on. We also offer comprehensive tutoring across all school subjects.

Chalk Talk: Please Visit Our Blog!

Our teachers enjoy keeping parents up-to-date on the latest educational and instructional technology news. For new articles from our Academic Directors, please visit our blog.