Tutoring Programs

Private, In-Home Tutoring in Natick, Massachusetts

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  • Bi-weekly Progress Reports

Natick, Massachusetts Tutoring Programs

Get started with SchoolTutoring Academy's tutoring programs for Natick, Massachusetts students.

Natick District and Curriculum

Natick Public Schools contain eight schools and 4,734 students. There are five elementary schools with grades K-4, two middle schools, and a high school. The district is committed to implementing technology to enhance student learning. Natick states that it is “building the future, one child at a time.” For the elementary grade levels, Natick Public Schools have comprised Core Standards that list year-end goals in the content areas of English language arts, math, science, social studies, art, music, physical education, and the habits of mind (work habits and social skills).

We currently cover the following Natick-area school district: Natick Public Schools.

Educating Our Parents: Understanding the Natick District Curriculum

English language arts involves goals in the following categories: the process of reading, comprehension (reading as understanding), understanding literature, word study, speaking and listening, the process of writing, and grammar (conventions). Math involves mathematical communication, operations and algebraic thinking, number and operations, measurement and data, and geometry. The curricula for literacy and math are reviewed frequently so that needed alterations can be made.

Natick Public Schools have been innovative in their recent curriculum design, beginning to incorporate blended learning, which combines face-to-face and digital instruction. The district believes that blended classrooms are important because they allow students to gain critical digital skills, teachers to differentiate learning more effectively, and the extension of the material taught in the classroom through technology. Teachers remain in control with this concept, as they decide what students do in the classroom and online as they meet the more rigorous Common Core Standards.

Our Natick, Massachusetts tutoring programs are personalized just for you

Our instructors hail from Harvard, Stanford, Duke and other top institutions


Keeping Informed: Recent Natick Educational News

  • High School Students Work With Children with Disabilities - About 40 Natick High School students volunteer with the district’s TopSoccer program, which consists of about 20 elementary and middle school students with disabilities. The high schoolers’ job is to be the younger children’s “buddies” and to cheer them on while they are on the soccer field. The TopSoccer kids feel as if they are just like their peers playing on the other soccer clubs, being grouped by ability, wearing the same soccer shirts, and receiving medals at the end of the season.
  • Natick Students Impress the President - Students from Natick and another area school district took their science projects to the White House—yes, that White House—for its fourth annual science fair. The goal was for students to solve real life problems with technology, and Obama was wowed by two students’ remote-controlled vehicle that assists in ice rescues by having the capacity to travel across ice and lower a device about 40 feet into the water. The President was also impressed by Natick’s all-female robotics team, citing the importance of getting girls interested in science.
  • Natick Piloting Unique Foreign Language Program - Next school year, Natick will continue with a pilot program that offers blended online French and Spanish courses—along with traditional foreign language classes—to some middle school students. This allows students to truly learn a foreign language, taking it for eight years (from grades 5-12). There have been early promising results, with seventh graders in the blended French class scoring as well as eighth grade students taking French.

Natick Tutors Can Help Your Student Succeed

SchoolTutoring Academy works with young learners and students, all the way up through high school. We offer Pre-K and Kindergarten Tutoring as well as Elementary School Tutoring to build a strong learning foundation early on. We also offer comprehensive tutoring across all school subjects.

Chalk Talk: The Anatomy of a Lesson Plan: The Anticipatory Set

The anticipatory set is often an optional part of lesson plans, but it is a vital part, and all lessons should ideally have one. The anticipatory set sets the stage for and is the introductory part of the lesson. It is used to engage students in the content that they are learning and spark interest. Book previews created with a video maker such as Animoto are a great way to introduce a story or novel students will be reading. Teachers always want to gauge students’ prior knowledge of the material that they will be learning. Pre-tests and ever-popular KWL charts help teachers see what students already know about a topic. KWL charts are especially advantageous because students return to them after the reading or learning. This time may be used to review content that students learned before that relates to the new learning. Teachers also may use anticipatory sets to introduce background knowledge that is needed for the lesson but that students probably do not already know. Short books and articles provide a way to give the necessary background information and can engage students in the upcoming material as well.