Tutoring Programs
Private, In-Home Tutoring in Newnan, Georgia
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Newnan, Georgia Tutoring Programs
Get started with SchoolTutoring Academy's tutoring programs for Newnan, Georgia students.
Newnan District and Curriculum
The Newnan School District is part of the Coweta County School System. This district uses the Common Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS). The Georgia Performance Standards were created in order to provide students, teachers, parents, and school leaders with clear expectations for instruction, assessment, and student work. The CCGPS defines the level of work that students are responsible for completing and teachers are responsible for teaching in order to demonstrate successful instruction and achievement of the CCGPS, ensuring that the students are learning all information necessary to be productive members of the community.
We currently cover the following Newnan-area school district: Coweta County School System.
Educating Our Parents: Understanding the Newnan District Curriculum
The main areas in which instruction is focused are reading, English/Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Technology, Social Studies, History, and Career and Technical Education. Additionally there are programs in Fine Arts and Modern Languages. Through the use of the CCGPS and a variety of curriculum options students are given the best possible education that allows them to not only learn the required material but also explore their own interests.
This school system offers an amazing variety of courses for high school students to choose from most interestingly they offer an aviation program and a youth apprenticeship program. The youth apprenticeship program is a program designed to provide students with employment and additional training in their career focus area. Students must commit to a pre-determined number of hours of on-the-job training. Students are paid throughout the program using a progressive pay scale, and must commit to attending a post-secondary educational program.
Our Newnan, Georgia tutoring programs are personalized just for you
Our instructors hail from Harvard, Stanford, Duke and other top institutions
Keeping Informed: Recent Newnan Educational News
- Learning Your Own Way - Coweta County School System is proud of their traditional learning classrooms; yet, they realize that not all students excel in a traditional setting with that thought in mind this district has just agreed to make changes that will increase the number of non-traditional learning opportunities. This district currently offers options such as dual enrollment, youth apprenticeships, and early graduation. They will be adding online classrooms for the 2013 school year that will allow students to attend their classes online instead of in a physical classroom. All of these programs are aimed at helping students succeed by giving them options that will fit their own needs.
- Science Fair Winners - Twenty-four Coweta County Students will be heading to the regional Science and Engineering Fair this year. The school officials say that they are seeing an increase in the number of engineering projects that are submitted each year and they contribute this increase to the emphasis that schools are placing on STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education. Of the 24 that were chosen to represent Coweta County in the Regional Competition there were 3 Grand Award Winners. Some examples of the depth of knowledge that were demonstrated include a hydrogen fuel cell, improved hull physics to reduce drag in the water, and the causes and impacts of soil erosion in Georgia.
- Governor’s Honors Program - Forty-seven local students have been chosen as nominees for the prestigious Governor’s Honors Program (GHP). These students will go through auditions and interviews before being approved to enter the program. More than 2,800 students from across the state will be interviewed and auditioned and only 690 will be chosen. This year the nominees will be receiving coaching to help them enter their interviews with more confidence. While there is no guarantee that this will help them get accepted the hope is that with more confidence they will do better during the interview process.
Newnan Tutors Can Help Your Student Succeed
SchoolTutoring Academy works with young learners and students, all the way up through high school. We offer Pre-K and Kindergarten Tutoring as well as Elementary School Tutoring to build a strong learning foundation early on. We also offer comprehensive tutoring across all school subjects.
Chalk Talk: Exploratory Education
So your child hates sitting in a classroom all day. You are frustrated with fighting your child about going to school and working hard instead of hardly working. Well there is hope. There are many schools around the United States that offer nontraditional learning services. Some of these options are career training, online education, performance learning were students can learn at their own pace, and Specialized Learning. If you are struggling with an unhappy learner talk to your school counselor and ask if there are programs available in your area. This could be the difference between your child succeeding and your child falling behind.