Tutoring Programs

Private, In-Home Tutoring in Newton, Iowa

  • Certified Educators

  • Personalized Learning

  • 1-on-1 Instruction

  • Flexible Scheduling

  • Bi-weekly Progress Reports

Newton, Iowa Tutoring Programs

Get started with SchoolTutoring Academy's tutoring programs for Newton, Iowa students.

Newton District and Curriculum

Students in Newton attend Newton Community School District. Students learn under a curriculum aligned with Common Core State Standards and Iowa Core Curriculum – a student-based approach used for implementing high academic expectations of the Common Core Standards. Standards are expectations of skill and concept mastery for all students at each grade level in core subject areas. Beyond core learning, there are sports teams, community service learning, and extracurricular clubs for students to participate in.

We currently cover the following Newton-area school district: Newton Community School District.

Educating Our Parents: Understanding the Newton District Curriculum

Elementary grades introduce and develop new skills and ideas, helping K-6 students gain experience and master concepts. Junior high grades are centered on the educational needs of adolescents as they transition between elementary school and high school. High school years are an opportunity for students to select courses and electives specific to potential college and career interests, developing necessary skills for entering college and the contemporary workforce.

Instruction involves research – based strategies toward essential concepts and skills specific to each grade. Classrooms are students-centered, teachers focusing on the individual needs of each student. Assessments are geared to measure student achievement based on standards expected to master for the grade, allowing teachers and parents to determine the progress of students and areas in need of improvement.

Our Newton, Iowa tutoring programs are personalized just for you

Our instructors hail from Harvard, Stanford, Duke and other top institutions


Keeping Informed: Recent Newton Educational News

  • Learning About Nutrition Ideas - Come learn about healthy lunch options, how to keep packed lunches safe, and how to pack a nutritious lunch on a time and financial budget. Over the summer, Newton Hy-Vee’s Registered Dietitian Emily Ring will be leading a class titled “Pack a Healthy Lunch.” Parents and children ages 8 and older who pack their lunches regularly, whether for summer camp or the school year, can benefit, learning how to start or maintain a healthy routine.
  • Bowlful of Blues - Don’t miss the annual Bowlful of Blues outdoor music festival on August 30th. Held at Maytag Park in Newton, blues artists from across the country come for the one-day event. Sponsored by the South Skunk Blues Society, the 22nd Annual Bowlful of Blues will showcase Ben Green, the Kilborn Alley Blues Band, Hot Tamale and the Red Hots, Cashbox Kings with Barrelhouse Chuck and many others. The event is one of the biggest blues festivals in central Iowa, giving Newton residents and visitors a treat every year.
  • Valle Drive-In - The Valle Drive-In is one of the oldest fully running drive-ins in Iowa with its signature, and original, neon sign, 1960’s and 1970’s pre-movie music and vintage speakers. For those of the drive-in days or those new to the experience, seeing a movie at the Valle Drive-In is perfect for a family summer night out. The “theatre” shows family-friendly and adult movies, with the same candy, food and beverage offerings an indoor movie theatre concession stand has.

Newton Tutors Can Help Your Student Succeed

SchoolTutoring Academy works with young learners and students, all the way up through high school. We offer Pre-K and Kindergarten Tutoring as well as Elementary School Tutoring to build a strong learning foundation early on. We also offer comprehensive tutoring across all school subjects.

Chalk Talk: Going into High School - Freshmen Survival Tips

Rising freshmen and new students going into high school may have a lot of emotions about going into high school – questions, concerns, excitement, nervousness or just overall anticipation. High schools usually provide a day or two before all students report to school for freshman to get familiar with the building, the teachers and other students. This is a time for freshman to transition gradually to their new environment. Some schools also provide “tips” prior to those initial days for incoming students to consider and hopefully feel reassured them of their new surroundings. Some tips may include a map of the school for locating classes once they receive their class schedule (sent to students during the summer), what activities are available for them to get involved in, what are the rules for lunch and the lunch areas, and information about testing – when exam week is, what exams are required and where to go to if there is no test to take. Becoming familiar with some of the procedures of high school prior to the first day of school can minimize any anxiety rising freshmen may have.