Tutoring Programs
Private, In-Home Tutoring in North Greenbush, New York
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North Greenbush, New York Tutoring Programs
Get started with SchoolTutoring Academy's tutoring programs for North Greenbush, New York students.
North Greenbush District and Curriculum
Residents living in North Greenbush have a variety of options regarding K-12 education for their children. All school districts base their educational standards on New York State and Common Core learning expectations. These are aligned to the statewide tests that students are required to take. Also, various before and after-school programs offer students additional opportunities for intellectual and social growth. The district also offers programs to meet the needs of specialized students, including a special-needs preschool.
We currently cover the following North Greenbush-area school district: North Greenbush Common School District, Averill Park Central School District, Wynantskill Union Free School District, Enlarged City School District of Troy, and East Greenbush Central School District.
Educating Our Parents: Understanding the North Greenbush District Curriculum
The state prohibits common school districts from providing secondary education to its residents; therefore, the NGCSD’s curriculum does not include this type of instruction. Additionally, Wynantskill only serves students from kindergarten to eighth grade. Regardless of their offerings, their curricula meet all requirements of the New York State Education Department (NYSED). Averill Park and Troy City School also meet the NYSED standards, as well as the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). The CCSS is a federal mandate, which attempts to unify and improve state guidelines. Currently, the Common Core has changed the English language arts and mathematics curricula.
The secondary curricula offered through the various high school choices meet the NYSED and CCSS requirements. Students attending any high school available to North Greenbush residents have access to rigorous core academic training and a variety of elective options. All programs are designed to prepare students for college and/or career after high school.

Our North Greenbush, New York tutoring programs are personalized just for you
Our instructors hail from Harvard, Stanford, Duke and other top institutions
Keeping Informed: Recent North Greenbush Educational News
- City Offers Students Insight into Life Choices - Students from the Enlarged City School District of Troy received a valuable lesson about staying in school. The Choice Bus provides an opportunity for students to see what life can be like with education and as a high school dropout. A black curtain separates a video presentation of positive encouragement and a replica jail cell. Students typically respond well by signing a pledge to stay in school.
- Time Warner Cable News Recognizes Troy Student - A student from Troy Middle School, has earned Time Warner Cable News’ Kid of the Week honor. She has served as a volunteer at the Hope 7 Community Center since kindergarten. In addition to her help with summer camps and other roles with young children, she also gives her time by working in the food pantry on weekends.
- Technology Day at Troy Middle School Sparks District-wide Debate - Students at Troy Middle School have been enjoying innovative technologies designed to supplement instruction. During Technology Day, at the middle school, students could participate in broadcast journalism, online gaming, and a variety of other technical development programs. The superintendent hopes to see these advancements implemented in the elementary schools and high school. A vote will be held on Dec. 10 to determine if these changes will occur.
North Greenbush Tutors Can Help Your Student Succeed
SchoolTutoring Academy works with young learners and students, all the way up through high school. We offer Pre-K and Kindergarten Tutoring as well as Elementary School Tutoring to build a strong learning foundation early on. We also offer comprehensive tutoring across all school subjects.
Chalk Talk: The Importance of Before- and After-School Programs
Many parents work outside the home and are unavailable to see their children off to school or greet them when they come home. Economic needs often dictate these schedules, and parents can be stressed about finding reliable, safe, and affordable daycare. Fortunately, many school districts offer before- and after-school programs for students. These programs provide tutoring services, quiet places for study and homework, and resources for students. Students have access to books, computers, and many other supplies at school. In addition to providing a safe place for students, before- and after-school programs may also serve students a necessary meal or two. Children are more likely to stay out of trouble at school, in the attention of caring adults. These programs can encourage physical fitness and spending time outdoors. School districts and communities should do all they can to help fund, provide support, and implement before- and after-school programs for their youth.