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Northampton, Massachusetts Tutoring Programs
Get started with SchoolTutoring Academy's tutoring programs for Northampton, Massachusetts students.
Northampton District and Curriculum
Northampton Public Schools are comprised of six schools and 2,700 students. There are four elementary schools with grades K-5, a middle school, and a high school. Northampton also include an NAEYC accredited early childhood center, family literacy programs, toddler home visits, and after-school social and academic enrichment programs. The district has strong ties with the community, families, and Smith College—all of which have greatly impacted the schools. Learning standards are based on Common Core Standards and the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks.
We currently cover the following Northampton-area school district: Northampton Public Schools.
Educating Our Parents: Understanding the Northampton District Curriculum
On its website, Northampton provides curriculum overviews for each of the secondary grade levels. These include themes, overarching course concepts, and course descriptions for each content area. The district provides an FAQ to parents explaining the transition in the math curriculum. Instead of high school students taking individual courses such as geometry and algebra, they will complete integrated mathematics courses that align with the Common Core State Standards.
This change is beneficial because it allows students to learn a great deal about algebra, geometry, trigonometry, statistics, etc. every year of high school and recognize the connection they have with each other. This integrated approach—as opposed to the traditional teaching of mathematical subjects in isolation—is used in many countries that outperform the United States in math. Advanced Placement courses in calculus and statistics will continue to be offered for students who have met the criteria in Integrated Math 1-3.
Our Northampton, Massachusetts tutoring programs are personalized just for you
Our instructors hail from Harvard, Stanford, Duke and other top institutions
Keeping Informed: Recent Northampton Educational News
- Northampton Says Goodbye to Legendary Play Structure - Hundreds of parents, students, and teachers recently gathered at Jackson Street School’s playground to say farewell to the 24-year-old play structure, which will soon be torn down for safety reasons. It will not only be a loss for Jackson Street students, who referred to the structure as their “miniature castle,” but also for the community as a whole, as it was open to the public outside of school hours. The structure was built thanks to fundraising over a two-year period and the 2,300 volunteers who constructed it.
- Northampton Education Foundation Increases Awareness - The Northampton Education Foundation recently held its annual showcase event, expanding it with live performances to help parents make connections between the projects their children do in school and the foundation, which is behind many of these projects. Performers included the Jackson Street School Hula Hoopers, Northampton High School’s improv group, robotics from two elementary schools, readings by students in Bridge Street School’s “Inspiring Creative Writers,” and “Stump the Spellers” involving the winning team from the foundation’s 2014 spelling bee.
- Northampton Students Recycle for Senior Project - Three Northampton High School students created a composting and recycling program for the school cafeteria as their senior project. These programs have reduced the daily waste stream from five trash bags to one , with over 1,000 gallons of compost being collected and taken to local farms. The three seniors learned all about the kitchen in their school and credited the cafeteria and maintenance staffs for the success of the project; the maintenance director even included the weekly compost pickup fee in the department budget.
Northampton Tutors Can Help Your Student Succeed
SchoolTutoring Academy works with young learners and students, all the way up through high school. We offer Pre-K and Kindergarten Tutoring as well as Elementary School Tutoring to build a strong learning foundation early on. We also offer comprehensive tutoring across all school subjects.
Chalk Talk: Educational Jargon: Heterogeneous and Homogeneous Groups
Heterogeneous groups refer to groups of students with mixed abilities, while homogeneous groups are comprised of students with similar abilities. Teachers determine how to group their students, and there are advantage and disadvantages to both. Heterogeneous groups allow struggling students to learn from their peers who are at a higher academic level, while the higher level students gain confidence by helping others and may take on a leadership role. Because there are students of mixed abilities in all the groups, teachers typically are able to spend equal time working with each group. However, students of lower abilities may not feel confident in this setting, and their voices may get lost, resulting in one or two students dominating the discussion. In homogeneous groups, this isn’t as likely to happen because students are on a more even playing field. However, the teacher will have to spend the most time working with the lower level group(s) and will not be able to spread his/her attention to each student equally. There is no right or wrong answer as to which type of grouping is better—it depends on the teacher’s specific class of students.