Tutoring Programs
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Pittsfield, Massachusetts Tutoring Programs
Get started with SchoolTutoring Academy's tutoring programs for Pittsfield, Massachusetts students.
Pittsfield District and Curriculum
Pittsfield Public Schools consist of 12 schools and just over 6,000 students. There are eight elementary schools with grades K-5, two middle schools with grades 6-8, and two high schools. The district expects students to become lifelong learns and for them to achieve to their potential and strives to meet the diverse needs of each student to make this possible. Pittsfield’s values include the belief that all children can learn, that high-quality teaching is essential, how valuable diversity is, and the importance of establishing partnerships with the community.
We currently cover the following Pittsfield-area school district: Pittsfield Public Schools.
Educating Our Parents: Understanding the Pittsfield District Curriculum
Pittsfield’s Curriculum Department works to align instruction and assessment with a combination of Common Core and state standards. The department emphasizes how curriculum, instruction, and assessment relate to and inform one another in a continuous cyclical process. The standards that are implemented are designed to prepare students for future success in college and the workforce.
The English language arts standards are taught with overlap through each grade level and necessitate that students read both fictional and informational texts at a high level. Through reading, writing, speaking, listening, and using language, students should be able to perform various tasks and acquire many skills. The district has an early literacy plan that outlines how schools, the community, and parents can work in conjunction to promote reading skills in very young children, including reading to them, taking them to the library to check out books frequently, providing them with many educational and imaginative toys and activities.
Our Pittsfield, Massachusetts tutoring programs are personalized just for you
Our instructors hail from Harvard, Stanford, Duke and other top institutions
Keeping Informed: Recent Pittsfield Educational News
- Summer Camp for Gifted Math Students - Eighteen high school students enrolled in Algebra 2-level courses have the opportunity to attend a week-long summer math camp at Williams College. The camp will focus on two areas of math: number theory and mathematical thinking. Camp attendees will be provided with free room and board for the week.
- School on Saturday - Taconic High School Students enrolled in AP courses were encouraged to attend three Saturday sessions throughout the year to help better prepare them for their AP exams. At these sessions, students would have the opportunity to collaborate with other AP students from two other area high schools and be educated by highly qualified AP instructors.
- SEA Students Continue Regional Dominance - Taconic’s Science and Engineering Academy was permitted to send 12 teams to the recently held Region I State Science and Engineering Fair, and all 12 of them will represent Taconic and Pittsfield in the state finals. Taconic has a long history of success at Regionals. In addition, one student will participate in the upcoming international fair in Los Angeles; good luck!
Pittsfield Tutors Can Help Your Student Succeed
SchoolTutoring Academy works with young learners and students, all the way up through high school. We offer Pre-K and Kindergarten Tutoring as well as Elementary School Tutoring to build a strong learning foundation early on. We also offer comprehensive tutoring across all school subjects.
Chalk Talk: What to Expect in College Education Programs
Many young people today are choosing to become educators, but before deciding to pursue this route, they should understand that typical undergraduate education programs at universities are much different than most educational settings. In terms of what happens in the university classrooms, education professors generally do not lecture much, and students will partake in more hands-on activities and work with classmates. There will be fewer written tests—I never had a final exam in an education course—and more writing and projects. Students will write many, many lesson plans and will probably have to teach a few lessons in front of their peers. In the first two years, they will receive more generalized education courses, but by their junior year, the classes will be focused toward specific majors. Elementary candidates will likely have literacy and math blocks, while, say, an English education major will take several English courses.