Tutoring Programs
Private, In-Home Tutoring in Pocahontas, Arkansas
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Pocahontas, Arkansas Tutoring Programs
Get started with SchoolTutoring Academy's tutoring programs for Pocahontas, Arkansas students.
Pocahontas District and Curriculum
The Pocahontas Public Schools consist of approximately 1,900 students and four schools. There is an elementary school with grades PK-2, a middle school (3-6), a junior high school (7-9), and a high school. The district’s mission includes students performing at or above their grade level, fulfilling their academic potential, and having high self-esteem. This goal is accomplished by providing a rigorous curriculum based on Common Core Standards and encompassing all other subjects through standards-based education.
We currently cover the following Pocahontas-area school district: Pocahontas Public Schools.
Educating Our Parents: Understanding the Pocahontas District Curriculum
The district—in conjunction with its K-12 curriculum specialist—believes in a balanced, rigorous curriculum containing literacy, math, social studies, science, technology, and the arts. Students learn content and skills that relate to their lives and futures, and this helps them understand the intertwining curriculum. They receive instruction that is both hands-on and minds-on and is appropriate for their interests and developmental level. The literacy curriculum is research-based; has students reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
The district also emphasizes learning in the arts, in the areas of music, fine and performing arts so that students are introduced to these cultural values and are able to develop an ability to understand and appreciate different forms of art. Students also have opportunities to do creative writing and contribute it to school-wide publications or submit original work to literary contests. Although core academics are emphasized, the district also recognizes that students need programming tied to personal interests.
Our Pocahontas, Arkansas tutoring programs are personalized just for you
Our instructors hail from Harvard, Stanford, Duke and other top institutions
Keeping Informed: Recent Pocahontas Educational News
- Young Minds Shine During Night of Creativity - The Pocahontas Odyssey of Minds team recently hosted a Night of Creativity. The nine teams consisting of students in grades 3-12 from Pocahontas had to work together to solve a problem and perform its solution. The Odyssey of Minds performed well at regionals and will soon compete in the state competition.
- Pocahontas Students to Learn More about the Natural State - In the summer, Pocahontas students who have completed their junior year of high school have the opportunity to attend the Game & Fish Youth Conservation Institute. There, participants will learn about and be exposed to Arkansas’s diverse resources and landscapes. In order to attend, students must meet GPA requirements and have obtained the appropriate state fishing, hunting, and boating documentation.
- Author S.A. Bodeen to Visit PJHS - Pocahontas Junior High School will receive a visit from the accomplished young adult author S.A. Bodeen. Her novels have won several awards and are the favorites of PJHS students. Bodeen’s book 'The Compound' has received the most honors, including the 2009 ALA Quick Pick for Reluctant Readers. Students will have the opportunity to purchase books and have them autographed by Bodeen.
Pocahontas Tutors Can Help Your Student Succeed
SchoolTutoring Academy works with young learners and students, all the way up through high school. We offer Pre-K and Kindergarten Tutoring as well as Elementary School Tutoring to build a strong learning foundation early on. We also offer comprehensive tutoring across all school subjects.
Chalk Talk: The Importance of Knowing a Student’s Reading Level
Numbers do not always paint the full picture, but one number that is essential to find out is a child’s reading level in terms of grade level equivalency. For example, if the number is 2.1, the student is reading at a level that is equivalent to a student in the first month of second grade. First, the actual reading level must be determined so that teachers and parents understand how many months or years behind the student is in reading. Second, although students may choose books at the level their peers are reading, they should select books at the grade level at which they can independently read. It is important for teachers to set up classroom libraries with books at a wide range of levels; this way, students will not feel as embarrassed to choose a picture book instead of a chapter book. Of course, the goal is to move students to higher levels of reading ability, but it is critical that they practice reading regularly in order to improve, and they cannot do this if they are reading books way above their level.