Tutoring Programs
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Rexburg, Idaho Tutoring Programs
Get started with SchoolTutoring Academy's tutoring programs for Rexburg, Idaho students.
Rexburg District and Curriculum
The curriculum used in the Madison School District follows national Common Core Standards in Math and Language Arts and state-developed frameworks in all other subjects. Madison ELA curriculum has six standards: Reading Process, Comprehension/Interpretation, Writing Process, Writing Applications, Writing Components, and Communication. Math has 5 standards: Number and Operation, Concepts and Principles of Measurement, Concepts and Language of Algebra and Functions, Concepts and Principles of Geometry, and Data Analysis, and Statistics.
We currently cover the following Rexburg-area school district: Madison School District 321.
Educating Our Parents: Understanding the Rexburg District Curriculum
In Language Arts, students respond to stories read to them and learn the first two steps of the writing process. They use decoding skills to read new vocabulary words, learn to identify story elements, and to differentiate comprehension strategies between fiction and nonfiction. Students complete personal narratives, fictional stories, and respond to journal entries and literary texts and study meanings of Greek and Latin root words to understand them.
Students also learn to write essays using proper mechanics, give oral presentations, and listen with note taking to oral presentations that are given. They read and respond to traditionally and electronically written material. They write comparisons of fiction and nonfiction literary pieces and make proper use of grammar and imagery in biographical, autobiographical, expository and descriptive essays. Students further expand on these skills by describing the historical, cultural, and social significance of literature they read.
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Our Rexburg, Idaho tutoring programs are personalized just for you
Our instructors hail from Harvard, Stanford, Duke and other top institutions
Keeping Informed: Recent Rexburg Educational News
- Read to Me Program - Burton Elementary School won a grant for $5,000 from the “Read to Me” program. Teachers, parents and students collaborate to keep an accurate record of the books read within a school year. Burton used their winnings to purchase more books.
- Madison Energy Efficiency Program - Madison School District conserves energy and uses the money they save to purchase needed supplies. The Energy Efficiency Program educates participants to install automatic temperature control systems, energy efficient light bulbs and use other methods.
- MJH Career Center - Students at Madison Junior High School waste no time planning for their future. At the MJH Career Center, eighth graders seek the assistance of a counselor to develop a high school plan and choose classes. They use a technological system called the Career Information System on which to create a portfolio.
Rexburg Tutors Can Help Your Student Succeed
SchoolTutoring Academy works with young learners and students, all the way up through high school. We offer Pre-K and Kindergarten Tutoring as well as Elementary School Tutoring to build a strong learning foundation early on. We also offer comprehensive tutoring across all school subjects.
Chalk Talk: Teachers Responsibilities
The duty of a teacher is enormous. They have the responsibility to teach effectively, assess what students learn, and professionally present the outcomes. They must be a good listener, speaker, and protector. Teachers are the first one in the classroom and the last to leave. Their day does not end when they punch out on the time clock, but when they turn off the lamp light. However, the single most important duty a teacher has is to be a friend. No matter how much she knows or does, a teacher must show students that they really matter. As the saying goes, “They don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” Teachers both look out for the best interests of their students but also provide learning opportunities that ignite lifelong interest in a subject, or learning generally. A teacher’s enthusiasm can be contagious.