Tutoring Programs
Private, In-Home Tutoring in Seneca, South Carolina
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Seneca, South Carolina Tutoring Programs
Get started with SchoolTutoring Academy's tutoring programs for Seneca, South Carolina students.
Seneca District and Curriculum
The School District of Oconee County is a large district consisting of 18 schools and 10,500 students. The district also is home to a career center and an adult education program. The curriculum developed by the state provides standards for learning in all core subjects as well as advanced academic programs and a new series of standards for STEM learning. The School District of Oconee County gives students the opportunity to participate in a rigorous, focused course of study and honors those who successfully complete it with an SCOD Platinum Seal Award. Students who earn the top GPA in each career cluster are awarded a graduation medallion.
We currently cover the following Seneca-area school district: School District of Oconee County.
Educating Our Parents: Understanding the Seneca District Curriculum
The fundamentals of Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies are focused on during the early years and prepare students for more analytic and independent work in middle school. By high school, students should have a secure handle on each subject and be able to determine the areas they would like to specialize in. To assist students in that decision, there are curricular guidelines for advanced academic programs such as International Baccalaureate and Advanced Placement, and a range of career-focused options.
The career clusters offered are Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources; Architecture & Construction; Arts, Audio-Video Technology, & Communications; Business, Management & Administration; Finance; Health Science, Hospitality & Tourism; Human Services; Information Technology; Law, Public Safety, & Security; Manufacturing; Marketing; Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM); and Transportation, Distribution, & Logistics. This course of study combines core classes with career cluster-specific classes.

Our Seneca, South Carolina tutoring programs are personalized just for you
Our instructors hail from Harvard, Stanford, Duke and other top institutions
Keeping Informed: Recent Seneca Educational News
- Koyo Bearings Gives Students What They Need to Begin School - The employees of Koyo Bearings collected and donated back-to-school supplies for Oconee County students--particularly those who are homeless. The supplies event, which was organized by Kellie Smith, was held in conjunction with a food drive.
- Alive at 25 Course Teaches Survival - The School District of Oconee County encourages students to take the four-and-a-half hour survival course Alive at 25, which was developed by the National Safety Council and is taught by law enforcement officials. Because the course addresses inexperience and casual attitudes toward driving, all students who would like to drive to school and park on school grounds must participate in the course.
- Hot Air Balloon Commemorates New High School and Stadium - The RE/MAX Hot Air Balloon recently appeared at Walhalla High School to celebrate the first football game of the school year and at the new high school and stadium. The event helped raise funds for scholarships and new athletic equipment for the Walhalla Booster Club. Those on hand were able to take rides in the red, white, and blue balloon.
Seneca Tutors Can Help Your Student Succeed
SchoolTutoring Academy works with young learners and students, all the way up through high school. We offer Pre-K and Kindergarten Tutoring as well as Elementary School Tutoring to build a strong learning foundation early on. We also offer comprehensive tutoring across all school subjects.
Chalk Talk: Commonly Confused Words: Contraction or Not
Some students may mix up when to use a contraction and when not to. For example, "your" and "you're" sound the same, so they are often misused. You're is a contraction consisting of you and are: "You are reading the book quickly. YOU'RE reading the book quickly." Your is the possessive form of you: "He is reading YOUR book quickly." The book belongs to YOU. Another example is "whose"--the possessive form of "of whom"--and the contraction "who's" (who is). One final example is "its" and "it's" The former is the possessive form of it: "The robot raised ITS arm" (the arm belongs to the robot). The latter is the contraction formed by the words it and is: "It is going to rain today. IT'S going to rain today."