Tutoring Programs

Private, In-Home Tutoring in St. Clairsville, Ohio

  • Certified Educators

  • Personalized Learning

  • 1-on-1 Instruction

  • Flexible Scheduling

  • Bi-weekly Progress Reports

St. Clairsville, Ohio Tutoring Programs

Get started with SchoolTutoring Academy's tutoring programs for St. Clairsville, Ohio students.

St. Clairsville District and Curriculum

St. Clairsville Schools is responsible for K-12 educational programming for students in the community of St. Clairsville. The district takes great pride in its focus on academic achievement. Students at all grade levels are held to a high standard of success. In order to achieve these lofty goals, district personnel work closely with students, families, and community stakeholders to devise and employ engaging and innovative educational tools that promote active learning. Each of the district’s three school buildings have state-of-the-art learning spaces in which children can, learn, explore, grow, and develop. The district is not just concerned about academics. Rather, St.. Clairsville Schools seeks to promote in each student the necessary social and emotional skills they need to be successful in the 21st century.

We currently cover the following St. Clairsville-area school district: St. Clairsville Schools.

Educating Our Parents: Understanding the St. Clairsville District Curriculum

The English language arts curriculum in St. Clairsville engages students in learning opportunities that help them read informational texts in a proficient manner. At all grade levels, students develop increasingly complex skills that promote critical and active reading of complex texts. Learners work with documents and acquire the ability to analyze them, as well as cite specific evidence contained in them, to support their independent thoughts. Students also learn how to use the context in which a word appears in order to determine its meaning. Working together, students learn evaluative skills as well.

An essential component of the St. Clairsville curriculum is the study of technology. The technology curriculum is embedded into all subject areas in order to allow students to gain technology skills in a variety of settings. Learners explore how technology develops, as well as the processes used to plan, build, and test various technologies. There is also a study of how technology is applied in the modern world. In this context, students explore computers, tablets, online tools, and the Internet to develop their ability to use technology to solve problems.

Our St. Clairsville, Ohio tutoring programs are personalized just for you

Our instructors hail from Harvard, Stanford, Duke and other top institutions


Keeping Informed: Recent St. Clairsville Educational News

  • Teacher Receives Award from National Science Teachers Association - Liz Meredith, a science teacher at St. Clairsville Middle School, was recently given the National Science Teachers Association Distinguished Teaching Award. Meredith has taught science at all levels and has been in the classroom for over ten years.
  • St. Clairsville Musical Events Throughout the Year - Students in St. Clairsville have the opportunity to join band as early as 5th grade. Throughout middle school and high school, the bands participate in various activities, from adjudicated performances to pep rallies. Some students may also choose to explore the summer music camps available.
  • Gifted Program Information for Families - Parents of gifted children that are interested in learning more about the gifted education programs offered in St. Clairsville can download an informational packet from the district website. Students in the gifted program receive enrichment services and work on learning challenges in a collaborative manner.

St. Clairsville Tutors Can Help Your Student Succeed

SchoolTutoring Academy works with young learners and students, all the way up through high school. We offer Pre-K and Kindergarten Tutoring as well as Elementary School Tutoring to build a strong learning foundation early on. We also offer comprehensive tutoring across all school subjects.

Chalk Talk: Later Start Times Becoming More Popular

Recent research regarding the optimal start times for school has led some districts to alter their schedules. Especially at the high school level, a later start to the day offers a number of benefits. Attendance improves dramatically with a later start time, particularly for classes that meet in the morning. With improved attendance also comes improved class grades and better scores on standardized tests because students are more often in class to learn. These academic gains are seen in all kinds of subjects, including science and math. Additionally, a late start means students can get the rest they need in order to stay alert in school. Teens’ sleep patterns naturally gravitate to staying up later and getting up later, so with a later start time, students have less of a need for coffee, energy drinks, and other caffeinated beverages to stay awake. Research also shows that a late start for high school classes is associated with fewer traffic accidents as well.