Tutoring Programs
Private, In-Home Tutoring in Uhrichsville, Ohio
Certified Educators
Personalized Learning
1-on-1 Instruction
Flexible Scheduling
Bi-weekly Progress Reports
Uhrichsville, Ohio Tutoring Programs
Get started with SchoolTutoring Academy's tutoring programs for Uhrichsville, Ohio students.
Uhrichsville District and Curriculum
Students in Uhrichsville attend public school in Claymont City Schools. The district is comprehensive in nature, offering educational programming for students in kindergarten through the twelfth grade. There is a particular emphasis on preparing students to participate in the dynamic, innovative 21st century world. As a result, Claymont City Schools has developed curricular activities that promote essential skills such as competency with technology, effective communication, and appreciation of diversity. By giving students many methods by which to acquire necessary knowledge and skills, Claymont City Schools helps each child be prepared to meet the challenges of adulthood.
We currently cover the following Uhrichsville-area school district: Claymont City Schools.
Educating Our Parents: Understanding the Uhrichsville District Curriculum
The English language arts curriculum in Uhrichsville focuses in part on helping students developing verbal and written communication skills. Content-related skills in the areas of science, social studies, and technical subjects provide students with the foundation they need to read for information effectively. In that context, learners work on pulling important details and main ideas from readings in various subject areas. Part of this work revolves around utilizing and understanding content-specific language. Evaluating sources is another critical aspect of the English language arts curriculum.
Uhrichsville also offers students the chance to study music as part of the visual and performing arts curriculum. Elementary-aged students take part in exercises that introduce them to basic music tasks such as identifying sounds from various instruments. Students also become aware of musical concepts like pitch, tempo, and beat. In the middle grades, they hone their ability to match pitch and perform vocal or instrumental music in classes like choir, band, and orchestra.
Our Uhrichsville, Ohio tutoring programs are personalized just for you
Our instructors hail from Harvard, Stanford, Duke and other top institutions
Keeping Informed: Recent Uhrichsville Educational News
- School Report Card Available for Review - The state report card for Claymont High School has been released. The school scored an A for meeting indicators and a B for its graduation rate. Other indicators include the percent of students going to college and the level of academic achievement by students.
- College Credit Plus Program Offered - Students from Claymont High School can earn college credit through the College Credit Plus Program. Students in Uhrichsville earn college credit through Kent State University. This program helps students become prepared for college academically and socially. Students also get to visit colleges and have access to other resources to assist in their search.
- Claymont Booster Club - The Claymont Booster Club conducts fundraisers throughout the year in order to raise money to support Claymont athletics. All athletics programs benefit from the booster club’s funding. Families and community members are encouraged to join in either through planning, donating, or attending the events.
Uhrichsville Tutors Can Help Your Student Succeed
SchoolTutoring Academy works with young learners and students, all the way up through high school. We offer Pre-K and Kindergarten Tutoring as well as Elementary School Tutoring to build a strong learning foundation early on. We also offer comprehensive tutoring across all school subjects.
Chalk Talk: Promote Summer Learning With Technology
Avoiding the summer brain drain can be a difficult task for many parents as their children get out of school mode and into summer fun mode. However, there are a variety of technologies you can use to help keep your children away from the TV and involved in activities that promote their learning and development. Reading during the summer months is especially important. Spending just 10 minutes each day reading an eBook together will help your child maintain his or her level of reading ability, and the features that eBooks have, such as bookmarking, highlighting, and dictionaries, allow your child to improve his or her critical reading skills. Working with your child to develop their math skills can be facilitated with any number of apps for their smartphone or tablet. Even having your child do basic calculations for your monthly budget or determining a gratuity at dinner helps keep math concepts fresh in their mind and also helps them learn how to use technology to solve problems.