Tutoring Programs
Private, In-Home Tutoring in West Dundee, Illinois
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West Dundee, Illinois Tutoring Programs
Get started with SchoolTutoring Academy's tutoring programs for West Dundee, Illinois students.
West Dundee District and Curriculum
The Community Unit School District 300 uses the Illinois Learning Standards which incorporate Common Core goals. The Common Core Standards are defined for English language arts and math, and literacy expectations are intertwined in the other content areas. State-based standards for the other content areas are generally still used. Educational leaders developed Common Core partly by viewing models of success, including top-performing states and nations. This gives schools freedom, as there has been some concern over the whole country using the same standards considering students come from so many different backgrounds.
We currently cover the following West Dundee-area school district: Community Unit School District 300.
Educating Our Parents: Understanding the West Dundee District Curriculum
The Math curriculum contains strands that cover numeracy and operations, algebraic thinking, geometry and measurement, and data analysis. High school math curricula also provide for advanced courses like pre-Calculus and Trigonometry. Students learn a wide range of problem-solving techniques and how each type of math is used in real life applications. They also develop their mathematical literacy, ability to explain their quantitative reasoning, and an understanding of how best to solve different problems.
The English language arts curriculum integrates the topics of reading, writing, critical discussion, and research so that students are able to use these skills effectively. In reading, students become familiar with the differences in fiction and non-fiction and the different analytic and critical reading skills they apply to each. In writing, students learn to focus on a topic in writing—adding supporting details with suggestions from peers—and use digital tools to publish their work. They also learn research skills, with a focus on proper use and citation of others work.

Our West Dundee, Illinois tutoring programs are personalized just for you
Our instructors hail from Harvard, Stanford, Duke and other top institutions
Keeping Informed: Recent West Dundee Educational News
- Grant Opportunities - One way that the schools are able to offer innovative opportunities is through securing grants. Some small grants may support only one classroom learning initiative while other large grants may purchase resources used by all the students. Members of the community who wish to support the grant-finding and funding opportunities is welcome to contribute their ideas.
- West-Dundee Extracurriculars - Students at West-Dundee High School have many extracurricular opportunities in athletics, academic competition, community service, fine and performing arts, and other interests that many teens share. Information about booster organizations for parents is also available.
- D300 Foundation - The D300 Foundation is a local organization dedicated to supporting the teachers and students of the school district. Through fundraising events, the group provides funding for classroom grants, extracurricular opportunities, student scholarships, and resources that benefit the school community.
West Dundee Tutors Can Help Your Student Succeed
SchoolTutoring Academy works with young learners and students, all the way up through high school. We offer Pre-K and Kindergarten Tutoring as well as Elementary School Tutoring to build a strong learning foundation early on. We also offer comprehensive tutoring across all school subjects.
Chalk Talk: Choosing a College
There are many factors beyond academics that students need to consider when applying to college. Consider the living environment—is it a big city, a suburban town, or rural life? In what sorts of sports and clubs would you potentially want to be involved? Delineate the list into must-haves and things-I-could-do-without. No matter where you choose, remember that there may be more than one right choice. Public colleges are often larger than private ones because they must admit so many students to justify their funding, but this can also mean that they offer many majors for students. There’s no substitute for an on-campus experience. If you’ve already made a visit, a second one will help you focus in on each school’s best (and worst) features and will help you make your final decision.